Monday, May 24, 2010

The time that passes..

A blog for Diana, and anyone else who is willing to read this.

For more blogs please put me into a depressed state :), and to me, depression makes me smile.

Lets start off by saying what term and week we are in at school. At the moment I am blogging this, it is week 6, Monday 8:30 p.m. WEEK 6, and I emphasise that. I've just been having talks with friends lately, and they all say that they couldn't believe that it's nearly half a year already...

It's nearly June (My Birthday ^^) and well... I have nothing better to say about it other than that.. Thinking of all these stuff always lead to another thing. Amazing huh? Here's what I started off with. Birthday and now some depressing points in which should not be revealed here. No presents this year and even if someone did offer, I don't think I will accept it. I'm turning 15, and if I looked back, I was saying to myself 'Can't wait till I'm 15+'. And here we are today, sitting by this computer nearly 15 and you know what? I regret it.. but you can't help it.

So as I said, Week 6 Monday. The other day my parents said that they'll be getting my Grandma over here from Vietnam, which once again makes me think of other memories. I could only remember that it was just last year that my Grandma came over here for 3 months. At that time I told myself 'Three months is a lot and that'll never pass'. Once again, here we are and it's already gone. It was.. so.. fast.. And then my parents mentioned how she was coming over for 6 months now. I told myself again that it will be like forever but then I realised what happened the last time I said that - time just flew by. So 6 months also led me into thinking that it'll be the end of the year and then I'll be in year 10. Year 10 led me into thinking that it was the year in which I met Andy.. and look at him.. he's in Uni now. Get the message I'm saying? It's been 2 years in this High School and it just went just like that.

When thinking of the two years, I remember when I was in year 7 and I miss that. I miss the old selves people still had. I miss the people who were still at this school. Two years and there are all these changes. But that is part of my secret life that some people MAY know ;). I regret the actions I've made in year 7. I regret going to this school, not that I cannot say that I love these people :L.

So you see.. my mind can get very confusing.. all these 'lead to this' and 'lead to that' it gets confusing, but if you do it, I think it'll make you smile.

I do this when I'm depressed and those good memories make me TRULY smile, which is something the crazy Henry you see cannot do. I truly smile at the memories I had, the old people who were in it, and I only wish to redo it and add a few changes to it to see what happens.