Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life Passing By


Whilst I was mopping the house.. I suddenly stopped and stood there for a moment and began to think of what had happened in my love life;

The stupid things I'd say, the stupid things I'd do - all for love, and in the end, I am the one heart broken.

I have had complaints from people because of who I am. My friends have accepted who I am, why can't those people? So now I wonder if I really give a fuck about these complaints. Accept me, and you're my friend and you will realize that I am more trustworthy than the way I seem to act.


I sat there at the Atheltics Carnival, talking to Frank about gaming and then I realized how repetitive our lives are.

As a child, I crawled around the neighbourhood, picking up and putting stuff in my mouth. And this was all that happened each day.

As a four year old, I would go to pre school, telling stories and dancing with the other kids. Then I'd go home and practice my handwriting each night and even as my friends called me out to play with them, I would still sit there and study. I have changed a lot, and I wish I was more like that.

As a six year old after movin ginto Australia, I would lie on the bed each day and play with my toys and turn into my very own imaginary world. There was no hand writing to practice. Already, I have changed.

As an eight year old I would sit there and play my Gameboy each day, stopping this imaginary world of me more and more as each day passes. I have changed.

As a ten year old, I would stick to the comp playing on children CD games and it was like this for a long time. I have changed.

As a twelve year old I would get into Internet but that didn't last long cos it got cut, but I got it again last year. Online games. I have changed.

Now I would sit here and play games with my friends and type into this blog.

Ten more years later or so, I would go to work or something.

And by that time, I would look back and say 'What waste of time I have done back then, I would have been better off helping parents or ready'.

Then if I ever do make it to my sixties+ I would look back again each day and stare at the life that has gone by so quickly. Once again, I would say what a waste of time, going to work every day, eat, sleep and then repeat.

Life and change is such a bitch, yet we all have to accept it.


Swimming carnival... yes that happened quite some time ago.. but as part of this post.. life does seem to go by so quickly..

I was sitting there under the shade with the guys.. listening to some songs.. And it just made me realize how time had gone so fast..

I still rememebered the time I was in year 7.. going to the swimming carnival.. messing around as usual.

This year was so different.. and it only made realize that 2 years had gone past.. There are new people in seniors and this had a massive impact on the way I acted this year..

It wasn't the same.. I didn't know any of the year 12s.. so I was left out D:

So now I'm in year 9.. and 2 years have gone by so quickly.. next year I'll be in year 10.. and the homework I get is already a pain in the ass.

So year 10.. there'll be new year 12s.. and then year 11 :O. Strangely that number seems so big!!! Once again, there'll be new year 12s.. AND THEN YEAR 12. OMFG We are the year 12 this time... 2 years went by so quickly.. and another 2 years is going to go by again..

And for the next couple a years... I think I'll be sitting under the same shade.. listening to the same songs.. thinking about the previous years that have gone by so quickly..

Time is so powerful and unstoppable.. it turns even the most beautiful to the ugliest..

There's a tree in front of my house (don't know what it's called)...

As I walked to and from Warwick Farm station, I see a much larger version of that tree in front of my house...

I stare at it each day for 10 seconds.. and it makes me think...

When I was 6, this tree was so small and there was no flowers..

Today, I stand in my front yard, staring at the same tree, only larger and now, it has flowers. It made me realize how fast time had went.. from the I was only 6, staring that tree, until now, a 14 year old, staring at the same tree... at the same spot..

And in 5 years time, I will be standing at that same spot.. staring at that same tree only it'll be much larger and more beautiful. And by then, I'll be much larger too, standing there staring..

And it seems.... all this happens in the blink of an eye..

If I should.. then I would die with the memories I have right now.