Friday, December 31, 2010

Another Year...

Another Year...

Well, there goes another year..

I think the pressure's building up quite rapidly. I'm already worried about year 12..

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hạnh Phúc Nhé - Tùng Anh

Hạnh Phúc Nhé - Tùng Anh

New song. It can be found on the right side of this blog too. Not mine.

Đóng góp:

Bàn tay anh thấy giá lạnh.khi em nói câu biệt ly
Vòng tay anh ôm rất chặt.nhưng em vẫn bước ra đi

Nhìn qua gương thấy bón hình.em cứ xa dần xa
Chợt nhận ra em đi mất rồi.giờ một mình lẽ loi

Em giờ đây…không còn là ngày xưa
Một người đã đã rất yêu anh
Anh nhìn em ra đi.lệ rợi trên mi sầu úa


Ở bên người mà em chọn nhé.anh sẽ nguyên cầu cho em từng phút
Những kỉ niệm ngày xưa đã rất ngọt ngào.
Chỉ riêng mình anh khắc sâu

Ở bên người ta vui em nhé.đừng buồn như bên anh lúc trước
Nếu mai này gặp nhau
Anh muốn thấy nụ cười,muốn thấy một người anh đã yêu
Thật hạnh phúc…!!!

That's the link to the music video. Sad song once again, and it made me wonder....
Translation can be done if requested.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Asian Folklore

Asian Folklore

I remember in year 5 when I had read this book with all these Asian folktales. It was mainly Chinese ones I believe and they were so good. Today, when I was out eating I sat there and remembered one of the stories. It goes....

There once was a plumber and his beautiful wife. They were very poor and so one day, the plumber told his wife that she had deserved a better man. With much decision, they decided that it was best that they had parted.

A few months later, the plumber was called up to fix up some things for a house. Upon reaching the house, he saw the houseowner: a woman, whose husband was working. That woman was his wife, but things had changed so much that he could not recognise her. She recognised him though. When the plumber was at his work, the lady (his wife) had packed him some breads, and inside each bread she had placed some gold. She had hoped for the best to him. When the man had finished, he took the bread and thanked her.

The plumber was hungry, so he walked to a bar or something to eat. He sat next to another poor man. The poor man asked for something to eat. Realising that he had the bread that the lady had given him before, he gave the poor man some. The poor man ate it and noticed that there was gold in it. Realising this, he offered some silver coins to trade for the bread. The plumber thought that the coins were worth more and so he traded it.

After that, I don't remember what happened but that part was near the end.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Today :)
