Saturday, August 13, 2011

A wish

A wish

I once asked a friend "If you had one wish, what would you wish for?"

The person replied "I wish for the person I love to love me back"

I told the friend "Don't wish for that. Is that really love? Is love something that should be manipulated? Instead, why don't you wish for a happy life. That way, wherever life takes you, you will be happy."

I think a moral could be learned from that.

Anyways, onto some real life things. I was thinking how evolution doesn't work well for humans anymore. I guess it's because we are the only known animal that realises existence. As a result, we cone up ways to survive that no other than animal can. Eg the use of medicine to cure sickness.

Because of this, "survival of the fittest" does not apply anymore. Both the fit and unfit survive. The unfit continues to pass its genes and the offspring has a chance of beong "unfit" as well.

All in all, I'm saying that we're tampering with nature so natural evolution does not work properly for humans anymore.