Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

You are the apple of my eye

Adolescence is like a heavy rain. Even though you catch a cold from it, you still look forward to experiencing it once again.
Everyone has those impetuous times, the time when every boy likes the same girl in class, rushing days with mischief and pranks.
Then, youth departed without a sound.

From the movie, "You are the apple of my eye"
I'm gonna watch it when I have time :D

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I was at Cabramatta once after tutor and I saw this stray cat. It was a windy day. It looked ill cos of its swollen eye. It came up to me and looked for shelter. I wanted to take it in but my dad wouldn't let me. He said that it would cost us money to cure its illness. We went to the car and he took some money to buy some lotto. That pissed me off.

We drove away and I didn't see the cat at first. I had thought that someone had taken it. He drove a bit further and I saw it again. It was in some dark place that provided it little shelter.

The next day it was school. I went to Cabramatta to find it but it was gone.

Now, I have these recurring dreams of cats. It wasn't the same cat but it acted in a familiar way. It'd come up to me and lick my face.

That's not really the point of this post though. It's my curiosity. I want to know everything. I want to know what happened to that cat. There's a million possibilities of what could have happened to it. And that links back again to real life. What happens to the people you love as life moves on? There's this really weird feeling.. not exactly guilt.. that you weren't there for them; the fact that you're not the one to take care of them.

Weird.. and although it pains me to think about that cat, I wouldn't mind having those kind of dreams. Sometimes you'd like to me in your own imagionary world. The dream could be your best or your worst.

I might stop blogging soon. I don't want to feed people a bunch of my crap. Yeah I admit it, this is a bunch of crap. I've fed people a bunch of crap and it's nothing more than crap.

Don't listen to me.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another post

Another post soon. weeeeeeeee