Thursday, February 28, 2013

When it rains

When it rains.. it's a pain in the ass to ride home cos I'd have to ride my bike with one hand while the other holds an umbrella to cover my bag.

And besides the fact that I'll catch all these sorts of diseases when riding in the rain, it's quite fun... I feel refreshed and it makes me... happy.. if that's the right word.

Rain's a time when things liven up. Everything seems greener to me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


"There is no greater love or lesser love, for they are part of the Universal Love. When one feels pain, he knows how to feel for others, when one is stubborn, he learns to let go".

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day Melody

I love you very much <3>

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

I want to be

When I was a little kid, there was a story on Paris by Night. I can't remember it quite well but there was a boy who becomes a priest. His mother was a greedy person who was sent to hell. She treated him quite badly, but despite all that, he travels a long distance to save her.

There's a moral. I'm probably incapable of morals at times. But.. I do wanna become a better person. Slowly, step by step.

No matter how bad others treat me, I will try to forgive them with all honesty and sincerity and help them when I can.