Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Three Little Pigs Poem

The Three Little Pigs Poem

The Three Little Pigs – A Revolting Rhyme By Henry Tong
Inspired By Roald Dahl

The Three Little Pigs that you’ve known,
had a violent side that wasn’t shown.
The story you’ve been told every night,
was to help you sleep tucked and tight.
In truth, the wolf wasn’t all that bad;
he was a nice vegetarian lad.
The Little Pigs on the other hand,
were the evils of this magical land.

The story starts off with some shooting,
the Pigs with their guns were practicing.
‘I think we’re ready for the hunt,’
Pig One said, who was at the front.
He looked straight and then he beckoned
and called Pig Two who joined in second.
Together they called Pig Three to come,
the third of them was rather dumb.

Into the forest the Three Pigs went.
Along the way they picked a scent.
With their noses they began to dwell,
sniffing to find that stinky smell.
The Pigs did not find this gruesome,
instead they said that it’d be yum.
‘With this smell I would never quit.
I can imagine that it’d taste sweet,’
Pig One said in a joyful voice,
whilst dancing to himself in rejoice

They strolled along and heard a crunch.
Pig One turned left, ‘Look there’s our lunch.’
He jumped in joy and smiled widely.
‘What’s happening?’ Pig Three said idly.
Pig One, Pig Two got down and spied.
‘What is happening?’ Pig Three cried.
Pig One, Pig Two pulled down Pig Three.
Together they hid behind the tree.
There they saw the wolf eating.
‘He’s eating grass you must be kidding!
I am gunna take the first shot.
I will make sure it hits the spot,’
Pig One said, pulling out his gun.
He paused and said ‘This gunna be fun.’

Before Pig One could pull the trigger,
he heard a shot that was rather vigor.
He turned his head only to see,
A gun, a shot made by Pig Three.
Pig Three realized he’d interrupted
Pig One got angry so he erupted
The wolf looked up, he saw and ran
Pig Two calmly said ‘We need a plan.
We need to chase that stupid beast
for without we will not have our feast.’
Pig One replied ‘Oh, what a pain!
My little brother haven’t a brain!’

Still determined Pig One stood up.
‘We’re gunna get that vegan pup,’
He said with determination.
‘We’ve done much procrastination.’

The Three Pigs ran, looked ahead and saw,
the Wolf had stopped at a house of straw.
Our vegan friend had then jumped in
and said ‘They won’t find me when I’m in’

‘That house is small we will find him
and all I want to have is his hind limb,’
said Pig One, upon reaching the house
‘I shall step on that wolf like a mouse.’

‘Why need to search when we can burn?
A cooked wolf we get, in return.’
Said Pig Two who pulled out a match
and threw the flame to burn the batch.
Luckily, the wolf jumped out just in time.
He ran and said ‘Please stop, this is a crime!’
Pig One and Two replied with their gun.
The wolf continued ‘This is not fun!’
And so the Wolf ran in a hurry,
with the Pigs behind in a scurry.

The wolf was ahead of the Pigs,
till he came to a house of twigs.
Before the Pigs would even know,
the wolf had hid from his foe.
The Pigs arrived and looked around,
only, the Wolf could not be found.
They used their nose and found his scent
and burnt the house without repent

Inside the house they heard a shout.
Once again, the wolf had jumped out.
And there he sat with three pig’s glance,
He got up quickly and took his chance,
by running to a house made of bricks.
He hid and said ‘Tis better than sticks.’

The pigs arrived and gave a grunt;
it was locked at the house’s front.
‘The door is too hard to break down,’
said Pig Two, who now had a frown.
He continued and said, ‘We need a trick.
I must admit it won’t be quick.
We must wait here till he comes out,
there are no windows; he must scout.
and when that happens we will strike.
That is my plan, do you two like?’
Pig One agreed, ‘I’m happy with it.’
Pig Three complained and said ‘Can we sit?’
The two pigs went to hide in the bush.
Pig Three was dragged and was told to shush.

When it was dark the wolf came out.
Pig Three stood up and gave a shout.
The wolf had figured out and ran right.
Pig Three said ‘I have him in my sight’
Pig One and Two tried to stop Pig Three
but whilst in the dark, they could not see.
Pig Three aimed and two shots were fired,
‘Good job,’ the wolf turned and admired.
The Pig looked in the gun with his eye
and wondered why the wolf did not die.
He kept looking down in confusion
and came with a final conclusion.
‘The Wolf must have shot my brothers
And I’m alive, unlike the others..’
And before he could say anymore
He slipped the trigger and was no more.

So in the end, you must know and see,
The stupid third pig had killed all three.
The wolf never wanted such a desire,
the huffing and puffing would be too much a tire.

Haven't posted this before lol. Umm.. I'll probably put up another post soon :)

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