Thursday, January 31, 2013

ly café

Cuộc sống cũng giống như ly café. Bạn ngồi bên cửa sổ, nhấc tách cafe lên…nhấp 1 ngụm…và chợt nhận ra rằng ly cafe chưa có đường. Rồi bởi vì ngại đứng dậy để lấy đường, bạn ngồi đó và uống ly café đắng. Khi ly café đã cạn, bạn mới phát hiện ra rằng đường đã không tan ra và dính ở đáy ly…

Chúng ta mất quá nhiều thời gian để băn khoăn tại sao cuộc đời lại quá ảm đạm, nhạt nhẽo…, và tốn rất nhiều thời gian đi tìm kiếm sự ngọt ngào trong khi ta chỉ cần khuấy lên. Chính tôi, chính bạn sẽ làm cho cuộc sống của mình đầy hương vị nếu ta không chờ đợi. Hãy tận hưởng ly café thú vị nhé!

Có những giản đơn không thể nói bằng lời
Có những nỗi đau không thốt lên thành tiếng
Có những phút tâm tư, hoài niệm

Sometimes.. language is really.. pretty, especially Vietnamese. It's meaningful but when someone says it out loud.. it just doesn't have the same effect. lol

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The existence of this blog

Lately.. I've been questioning the existence of this blog.

First post was on the2nd of November 2009. That's.. 4 years ago when I was in year 8.

A lot of shit happened near the end of year 7 and it moved on into year 8 and so. I can't quite remember the events which happened during this time.

I've always thought how.. depressing we are and how helpless we are as humans in saving ourselves but I'd never thought of sharing these ideas with others.. o.o

There must have been a good reason though.. I think I was really pissed with something. I'd never thought my views towards this world would be.. that bad..

But really..  I feel quite sad all of a sudden sometimes about this place I live in.
And you know.. the way I feel it helps me believe that there once was a man who became the Buddha but at the same time I question how his teachings work.

I'm an introvert and I don't know the reasons as to why. But.. when I do go out..usually bad things happen.

I think it's just better if I stay home and don't hurt others or myself. That part is entirely true.
When I do go out, I see homeless people but I have this mindset of being helpless. What can I do about it?

There is this one particular homeless man (I believe he's homeless) that I see quite often at Cabramatta. On a rainy night, I saw him sitting by himself under little shelter eating some dessert-rice thing for dinner. I hope it was just dessert after a proper dinner, I really do. And that's all I can do right? Hope.

But I usually come to a sad conclusion that what I see is what there is. I can't say the man is feeling miserable right?

It's all a conflict. And somehow.. I believe so is this blog.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Although shit has been happening home lately.. I feel pretty happy that I've been able to contact my cousins.

I'll expand on this when I'm bothered :D

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I want to

I want to talk to you but at the same time I don't want to talk to you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Reunited with one of my favourite songs :D:

Chinese version of it too :O

Flowers in the garden