Saturday, June 28, 2014


Is it alright?

Is it alright to be afraid of losing someone?
Or is this wrong? Is this distrust?

Is it alright to trust the ones you love so much that you'll never think of losing them?
Or is this wrong? Is this arrogance?

What is right, what is wrong?

Does it vary from person to person, situation to situation?

1. "Are you afraid of losing me?"
"No, I believe in us"

Is that good enough?
Or does it feel comforting and slightly satisfying that the one that loves you is worried about losing you?

2. "Are you afraid of losing me?"
If you were to say yes, how would you say it?

Maybe a balance... just as there is a balance in everything. The problem is finding the balance, one that feels right.

Last night.. I had a dream. I was on a breezy hill. The grass was dark green and the surrounding had a tone of green in it. Maybe its because I've been watching that music video too much. It's very nostalgic..
Anyways, the place I was in was very cool and windy. I had a large kite with me. I felt so free, and I just wanted to let the string on the kite go endlessly.
But amidst this relaxing and calm dream.. something hit my thoughts and I was self conscious of it.
I asked myself "Wtf, why does this concern me. It isn't me and why should I even care?".
There was this strange feeling.. of loss - losing someone.

This reminded me of another dream I had a couple of years ago. I fell asleep while using my phone. The sleep wasn't peaceful; I woke up in the middle of the night and grabbed my phone to send a message, asking a very stupid question.
When it was morning, the event felt like a dream. I asked myself if and why I did it. I was very confused with myself. Sending the message and asking the question was unnecessary and stupid I thought, but why did I do it?
I think I was afraid of losing something. I've always been afraid of losing things.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Long time no post

我踩著夢的階梯 走進了 一座迷霧森林
誰的心事 被天使竊聽 泛起漣漪

時間它幫我設計 下一秒 誰是神秘嘉賓
小心翼翼 揭開了面具 掌聲鼓勵

誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心

我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影

妳按了我的門鈴 我終於 從呵欠中甦醒
緊張兮兮 對妳說一句 歡迎光臨

全場觀眾都離席 剩下我 還在原地尋覓
耳邊聽著 謝幕的歌曲 走不出去

誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心

我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影

我搬到誰的隔壁 誰成了我的鄰居
鳴謝生命有妳參與 笑納我的邀請
曲終人散卻寫下不會結束 的結局

Tuesday, June 3, 2014