Wednesday, November 12, 2014


For some reason I can't link that as a video. Oh well.

Anyways, that video got me really wondering.

When is it the right decision? When should one hold on or let go.

In that video, the guy chose to let go. She chose to fight using her past memories.
I guess, the past does invoke some strong emotions but is it good to cling onto the past? But.. does it sort of send the other person through a guilt trip? I think it sorta does.. Emotions can be used as a weapon after all.

The past means a lot to me and I've used "the past" heaps. But I've also been told to let go of the past because what's happened has happened.
How do I balance these two?

When I cling onto someone in one way or another, it does use a lot of my mind and energy.I question if its worth my time and energy.

From experience though, I've sort of learned that it's not worth it. Relationships don't seem worthwhile. There's a big part of me telling me to forget the past and move on. But move on to where? The road seems foggy and I've felt lost the whole year when it comes to these kind of things.

Still, there is a portion of me that wants to believe that relationships are worthwhile and worth fighting for. I feel as if that part of me is slowly being forcefully torn away from me though.

After all that's happened to me.. my problem seems whiny and unnecessary.

How do I feel? I'm not sure..

Now and then there's always that feeling that something's not right and I can never pinpoint what it is. I think it's cos of all the conflicting ideas I have in me and that I can't seem to settle it.

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