Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A feeling

This morning I had a dream.. one I haven't had in a while.

In this dream, you were in it. You saw me and called out to me but I ignored you and waved to somebody else.

Your call eventually turned into a cry and you broke down. I looked at you and gently touched your face and walked away.

You continued crying but I just walked away.

And in this dream.. I saw myself and what I was doing. It seemed real because this is what I really felt, walking away,

But did you ever cry?

And when I woke up. My heart felt a heavy feeling. Is it normal? I can't seem to grasp when I last felt this, Is it sadness? I don't really know any more.

At times, I don't feel like I'm myself at all.

I'll post later tonight.

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