Sunday, February 27, 2011

A blog :D

A blog :D (wait D:)

So Sunday... I think this has been the worse day this year. Friends came over for dance (Frank, Zane, Krishna, Atharva, Sanjay). Didn't go Shaolin today because it was raining in the morning. Haven't even started assignments.

First thing first we went to eat. Subway for the Indians and I. Zane and Frank had McDonalds. Went to get 2 dozens of glazed donuts at the local Krisky Kreme LOL. Took photos ;D. Well.. I don't know why I should even be smiling D:

Went home ate a few of the donuts. Atharva said he had to tutor but came back not long after saying his tutor was ill. Got some dance moves (30 seconds of the song..) before it became really hot. After that we went outside to practise (which we didn't end up doing) where things started to go extremely wrong. I left my laptop on the car so we can access it easily. Krishna tried to peg a ball (I peed on it in the past) at Zane. Instead, he knocked down my bloody laptop. Nothing went wrong (that I've found). All my por... I mean songs and stuff were still there. The guys played with the ball and wouldn't practise. The ball got into my mango tree. Krishna got it out and brought a mango down along (good job Krish). I decided to use a knife to peel the skin and eat it. There was this part of the mango (the top where it was connected to the branch) that left off a strong scent. I cut that and got my left thumb too :D. The skin's still in tact, my parents were away and they still haven't found out. Once they do, I am so screwed.

Got an icepack for my thumb which was spraying blood (jokes) but I did get an icepack. The guys told me to lie down and I ordered them around :). That was probably the best thing about today. We all came into my room in the end to watch Eurotrip ;). Everyone enjoyed the nude scenes and those parts got me excited and my blood flowing (so my finger actually sprayed blood this time. Jokes).

And here I am writing about my day. How ****ed up. 3 HOURS FOR BLOODY 30 seconds of our dance. I think that's better than nothing. Krishna came up with the most ****ed up moves. Gives me the shivers thinking about it and the thumb incident. *sigh*

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Movie Reviews Are Just BS

Movie Reviews Are Just BS

I've been getting movies a lot lately to and I read reviews to see whether they're good or not. Although these reviews give a rough idea about the movies, personally, I do not like them at all. I don't like the way the movies are criticised and in general, I dislike the majority of the contents of a review.

I've seen old and modern movies and generally, the older movies get better reviews. Why? I believe it's because those old movies are the 'first'. As in, they're not cliched and they're original. Most modern movies get ideas from these old movies and as more and more movies are made, it's harder for it to become original. What reviewers are looking for, I believe, is something totally new; out-of-the-box and that sort of stuff. It really gives some modern comdey movies a bad name and that's in my point of view, I think it's unecessary. I think reviewers should just judge it by the contents of the now and I've seen countless numbers of movies that apply same humour techniques to get laughs. Sometimes I just wonder if it's even possible to get non-cliched, original movies...

I understand that reviewers do this for a living or as a job, but critising others for the movies they've made demeanours them. I mean, I don't see movie reviewers going to the studio to make their own 'creative' and 'original' movies. It's like saying someone sucks at a sport when you do as well.

I guess, the whole idea of this post is that movie reviewers can only roughly tell a person what the movie's about and whether it's original or not. In the end, it's all based on oppinions but I just dislike movie reviewers. Don't know why some bother with it. I do understand the difference between a crap movie and a good movie though, and I think it's usually obvious to the audience.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fascinating Fantasy Fun

Fascinating Fantasy Fun

Uhh.. it has been a while since I blogged. Someone complains that I should blog haha but it only lasts like 5 mins? That's not going to get you anywhere in 5 min. Anyways.. people would've guessed that I'm playing games again haha. Don't know how I got back into it *Cough* Zane *Cough*.

My parents and some people say that these games don't help me at all in life. That's true. I enjoy the game for the sake of meeting new people and playing the role of my character. What's most fascinating is that I've met a couple of friends online in the past few years since I've started gaming. There's Sam and Lily, people I met on Maplestory. Good online friends and good times. I still have them on my contacts for MSN, but it's sorta weird talking to them now. I do not know why, but I still want to open a conversation with them and wish them a Happy New Year or something. And not long ago, I met a great guy called Mike :). Nice guy and we've been friends for quite some time, although we don't play the same games anymore. I mentioned that idea because playing games is sort of like the relationship with friends when they change schools. Most of the time, friends stop talking if they part for other schools. It's quite similar in games. The game is what sorta bonds them together.

At the moment, I am playing a game called 'ROSE Online' and I've met many people from different countries and even cultures. I've met people who've come from different pasts. Sounds so weird right now lol but I have. What I've found most interesting though, is the adults that I've met playing this game. These adults are about 28+ and are really nice. Don't tell me about cyber shit and stuff lol but it's true. They're nice and the two in specific that I've met are married. One's a guy and one's a girl. I won't go in-depth but I'm quite surprised that these people have the time to play games at their age. The life stories they tell me are quite fascinating :). I ask them lots of questions haha, and I must finally admit that the questions I ask are really weird O.o. It's not the usual conversation you would have with an ordinary person haha.

And over here, my Asian parents stuff me with crap about the future and how I'll be so busy.. Doesn't really help. For others, I believe it's quite similar. But again, I must admit that their stories are amazing. Whether these stories are true or not, I really don't believe that someone would go this far in concocting interesting life stories lol.

On a side note, since I am made this post, I might as well combine it with this other thought I've had for some time. It's about birthdays and how the people at our school celebrate it.

I find it rather strange and sorta.. offensive in a way is it not? Look at this way. People who celebrate their friends birthdays at our school tend to buy things and hold a party. As part of this, The event scheduler asks for other friends to chip in money for a presents. I will ask; Do your friends celebrate your birthday at school?

In a sense, does this not make others feel sort of 'less' important? I mean, there are others who are willing to spend their time gathering money and organising a party at school for some but not others. It's quite ridiculous really. And by pooling (or chipping) in money, does this not help confirm that others are of more importance?

I don't know what it is that makes people celebrate their friend's birthdays. Importance? Easy to talk to? I'm not quite sure myself, and the reasons I rack the hell out of my brain are quite... stupid really..

I don't want to stop those celebrations but people like I look at simple things as such in such complex ways.. and with this idea, I do believe sometimes that with the 'hierarchy' at our school is stupid.I hate looking at things like that, but it's true.