Sunday, January 19, 2014

A post before departure

Where to begin... where, where, where...
Been moving around heaps with lots on my mind.
Uhh.. to begin.. I guess I could talk about the title of this post.

I'm going to be traveling to Vietnam on the 20th (Monday) to visit relatives for three weeks. I'm really excited, especially with Tet coming up. Whenever I think about it, I'm reminded of my childhood memories. Perhaps, I could take photos and then post them up here and talk about what I remember.

Next topic!!! I've been listening to heaps of "Every little thing" the Japanese Band whose "Grip!" was an opening for Inuyasha. And here's a recommended playlist for anyone who's interested :), and that's another topic.

Now onto some more serious stuff which revolves some of my beliefs and ideals that I uphold mainly derived from Buddhism...

I've been looking up Vietnamese folklore and stories lately and I think this one is pretty interesting:

To sum it up, it's about three poor friends who attend the same school. They told each other that if any one of them would ever become successful, they would help the others out. The three friends separate and attend different uhh colleges?
We'll call them Friend A, B and C.
Friend A and B become famous but B is very greedy.
Friend C has no success and remains poor.
Remembering their words, friend A leaves his home and presents himself as a poor person and travels long distances to meet his old friends. B is greedy and treats A very unkindly. C is poor and is very generous to A so in the end A helps out C. B finds out about A's wealth and gives A a visit however A treats him the way B had treated him before. B regrets his action..

Now, this story does raise some rather.. odd questions for me. What does it say about the poor and the rich? If C was rich would he still be as generous?
We may see A as someone we can look up to. But.. it raises another question for me. A treats B in the same manner B had treated him. Is this right of a person? It does raise questions about my beliefs in accordance with Buddhism. In a way, I still think what A did was sort of wrong, but understanding in a more common human mind? I hope that's correct wording for it. If someone treats you wrong, do you treat them in the same way? Or should you be kind to all no matter what? Was that not what the Buddha was like?

Moving on again..

I have huge trust problems. I find it very hard to completely trust a person and trust is easily lost with me. I'm quite wary of a lot of things, very unnecessarily too. I think it's come from the way I've been raised.
I remember a lot times when my parents and friends lied to me as a kid. With my parents lying, I sort of understand that it's for my own benefit... but the extent to which they lied sort of made me very wary of everything till this day. I'm overtly cautious and I reckon it's a huge setback for me.
Lately, with me going to Vietnam, my mum's been telling me a lot about the people in Vietnam and how I should be extremely careful.
I think.. Vietnam needs help.. and I want to help in the future.
My mum tells me a lot about the people of Vietnam. She warns me of druggies, thieves etc over and over again and it makes me feel uneasy. She mentions how people can frame you for being the drug dealer like for example, a person asking you to hold a bag for them.
That's sort of reasonable of her to say... but then she mentions the word "help". She tells me that even if an old lady asks me for help, I should not do it.
I'm in moral conflict....



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