Sunday, March 16, 2014


Just another quick post I guess with some ideas branching off of understanding..
It's really Naruto related but I don't think a lot of people can see it.

I think.. the core message that the author of Naruto is trying to get through is human understanding.
In Naruto, as long as there is "Chakra (energy)" then there will always be war and hatred.
In a similar way, I think I can sort of say this "chakra" is a metaphor for money, and all these other human greeds that lead to negative characteristics such as greed.

The anime explicitly states that people need to understand each other in order for there to be peace.
And it's true.. humans do need to understand each other. It may not be possible, but I think understanding of one another and the world around you is great. It's something I'm aiming for nowadays.

The other day, I felt a bit down partially because of something that happened: at my dad's work place, some old lady sort of got "demoted" and was forced to do a more laborious task. Obviously being this old, she was very frail and that did not help her at all. She was demoted because she wasn't working properly, being too slow and not doing the job right. She has a son who is in uni and a husband whom apparently is very lazy.
I was told that she was crying and my mum knew too and I don't know if that was what brought her into some tears. So.. it made me pretty sad too.
So from this perspective of understanding, I think it was unfair of the old lady's employer to do this.

Meanwhile, on the employer's perspective, I understand that this was what he had to do. He could not fire her (she could sue for harassment) and showing any leniency in the work place obviously bad. The rules of the workplace must be enforced properly on everyone so that the job is done correctly and the place won't fall into chaos.

But but but she's an old lady. So what?

So how exactly do I feel? How should I react? What is right and what is wrong?
This is just a portion of what I mean by "understanding". I think.. there is a much larger picture to it and I've got a long way to go.
Is feeling sad a good emotion for the health? Maybe..
I just don't want to indulge myself in it like I sort of used to.

On the other hand.. did the Buddha ever feel sad? How did he approach this emotion? From what I've read, he wouldn't have because he would have rid of himself of such "suffering" in order to attain enlightenment.

I did a quick google and found + skimmed through that article. Despite being a long article and not necessarily being true, I think that it's what I'm aiming towards. Just remember, this is my own understanding of the world and human emotions.

Another great aspect on my understanding of 'understanding' is that, you may not necessarily agree with it. But.. along the way, you try to gain an understanding of others perspective and perhaps put it in terms with your own.

I do not believe everything others say including religious leaders from Buddhism and Buddha himself. What they say just so happens to agree with my own understanding.

Heck, the Buddha might not have ever said that but I agree with it because it's an understanding of myself that I've reached.
All this talk about understanding sort of sounds cheesy, but hey, I'm here to express for those who wants to listen. As I said, you don't have to agree with what I say.
And no, I don't plan on becoming a religious leader. I have other plans :)

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