Saturday, August 2, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

in China.
I wonder what it's like for them on that day.

On a side note,
A shit tonne has happened lately.

UMAT especially.. has been quite.. a pain.

As corny as it sounds, I prayed in order to do well.
I asked people for Good luck because I'd think every bit of luck could help.
In the end though, it did come down to me.. so I'm hoping I did well..

I'm not just doing it for myself after all.
If I do make it in.. it would be huge self esteem boost (I really need one).
I mean, I am trying to become a doctor for myself and for personal goals.

But ya know, sometimes there are other things that can hit you hard if you fail.
Besides the fact that I would let myself down, I'm also letting my parents down.

Mum has a lot of faith in me and she usually tells me how she has trouble sleeping because of my big exams etc. She worries a lot about me and I especially didn't want to disappoint her.

After all, I can't really remember the last time my mum's been really worried about my sister's exams. Maybe it's cos my exams matter more but I do get this feeling that she does have faith in me but I happen to destroy it every time.

Fingers cross I don't this time. ><


  1. *fingers crossed* Here's hoping for the best, and that you are accepted this time.
