Monday, April 6, 2015

Sorry I haven't been posting

This blog was originally made so then I can sort of.. contemplate. It's like a diary. It seems like I've stopped writing but I haven't.

I think one could say that I was riddled with emotions.. half of which were unhappiness. And then I'd post it here.

I guess now, I don't post as much because I sorta found my place. I feel like I don't care about things as much any more. It's not really that I don't care. It's more of a realisation that it exists, that it's just there. What's "it"? A lot of things. But I do try to be a lil more optimistic with things.

I love Chinese songs. I remember a friend of mine hearing this song randomly. He said he didn't understand a single word but he just felt that it was really sad.

It's a good song :]. Stay in touch, will write about Vietnam soon but it felt like everything that happened while I was there felt superficial which is probably why I'm really hesitant to write about it.

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