Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Changing World In My Eyes - The Education

Thanks Yvonne for the idea.

While thanking her, I could not help but think about the future which has a laptop-filled educational system. Not only that, but today in Science I have heard some of the girls discussing about the laptops that the Australian Government is giving out.

Of course, the year 9s have gotten their laptops already. Today, people use technology and in time, I do believe the Government would hand out laptops to all years. As I have stated above, people use technology a lot nowadays. If the Government would do this, you would most likely to see the whole school on their laptops during the whole of school time.

Not only that, but you could say that this effects the amount of time people spend playing handball or so. For example, a group of students play handball. They're all good friends. But during year 9 or so, they receive their laptops. One of these friends in the group decides to spend their time on the laptop instead. This would affect another person, and another and so on, until our playgrounds are completely empty.

Also, why is the Government focusing on teaching by laptops, while there are other countries who can't even provide proper education. Not only that, but the human race grown to a state where we can't let go of technology. We are near-completely dependant on technology. Of course, this does not affect those poor countries.

What ever happened to handwriting. And it is a fact that the human brain is most likely to remember things if it is read and then written. With the laptops, there will be fast typers. Today, people are quite lazy and tend to get things done quickly. By typing fast, I guess you just don't learn as much as you would write.

Is technology really good for us? Over the many years, I've compared the work in Vietnam compared to the work completed here in Australia. My parents would always complain about the bad life that the students in Vietnam would have but without technology, it has taught them a lesson.

Like I have said above humans are growing to a state where they are completely dependant upon technology. To back up what I have said in my previous paragraph, I will write a timetable of a daily 15 year old's life in Vietnam compared to one in Australia.


6:00: Wake up. Brush teeth, eat/skip breakfast (yes this still happens).
6:30: Walk to school with friends (sounds fun)
7:00: Get to school.
7:30: School starts.
11:00/12:00: Get home and eat/skip lunch. Study or sleep.
13:00: Back to school.
17:00: School Finishes
17:30: Home, do chores such as feeding bull or helping out parents in the fields or study.
19:00: Eat/skip dinner.
And the time the person sleeps depends on how hard they study. Sometimes they would even sleep at 2 or 3 in the morning.

Now for the Australian.
7:00: Wake up prepare for school. Nice breakfast.
9:00: School starts.
15:00: School ends, after lunch and recess.
16:00: Get home and relax for an hour or so.
18:00: Dinner.
19:00: Study for an hour or two.
20:00: Watch TV.
22:00: Sleep.

Take some time to compare these two timetables. Of course, this is probably not yours but mind me, a 15 year old's timetable is quite like this.

But I can't just say Vietnam is bad without thinking about the other side of the world.

Technology is growing in a pace in which I believe humans can't even catch up with. Look at the changing world right now. Look at the rate in which new technology is coming out. Think about the increasing rate each day. Will there be a crash in this..

You could define Technology as something that makes life easier. And when it makes life easier, people grow lazier and lazier.

But even after talking about this, I don't think there will be a future where robots would do all the work or so.

As stated in my previous posts, I believe this world will end because of humanity's actions.

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