Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Read my blog if you care or are interested. If you're reading it just cos you're bored. Please leave. On the same note, I really hate it when people talk to me on MSN because they're bored. I talk to get to know that person or have fun, even if it's on MSN. Again, if you're reading this and talk to me in the future cos you have the intention of overcoming boredom. Please don't do it. That word 'intention' in the previous sentence is really important. I'm not some Facebook or w/e shit you people do to overcome boredom.

Before I begin this post, I'd just like to point out the idea that Engrish is stupid :). Using the below example, can I not conclude that english is stupid?

'Stupid idiot'.

I use that term alot, and it does make me look stupid myself. Why? Simple, an idiot is someone stupid. So by saying stupid I'm just restating the facts. Some english teacher may say that this is improper grammar and shit. But if it were to be used in a famous poem, bullshit would be made up such as 'The author uses the term stupid to emphasise the fact that the described character is an idiot'. Get my idea?

Now for the real thing.


Currently, my wish is to lose all my feelings. I've considered it too many times.

Love, I get hurt. Hate, I hurt others. Cry, what's there to cry for when things keep changing and won't change back. Empathy, empathise for those kids in the 3rd World Countries. Yes.. but sometimes I ask why. This world is so stupid and the least I ask for now is to lose my feelings.

Feeleings hurt. Love hurts you or the other person. Hate, you hurt their feelings or lead to anger. Cry, what am I really crying for? Time won't give me back what I want. Feel sorry for those kids? What can I do about it? No I can't be fucked to raise some stupid thing. Leave that to the other dib shits. And sometimes I dream about being rich so I can help these kids out. But you know.. money is evil that it can change someone's path itself. I'd never know.

Really.. fuck feelings. I hate them.

And for those who are reading.. Today, I was teaching my sister. As her usualy self, she would forget EVERYTHING within a minute. Normally, I'd scream at her.. But I was just so pissed that I slapped.... I slapped myself so hard right across the face. And I felt like banging my head somewhere -sigh-

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