Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Nightmares And My Depression

Amazing.. Nightmares.. Dreams.. Such wonderful things.

Today, I woke up at around 4 am and couldn't manage to sleep again until for an hour or so. Within this time it had made me think a lot.

Now why did I even wake up at 4 am in the morning?

I don't know.. I felt so happy yet so sad at the same time..

It was a nightmare or dream.

Within that nightmare, I was able to let go of all the anger that I had kept in me. It felt good.. But I had paid a massive price for that. This massive price had led me to being depressed. Of course, in the end, somehow I managed to smile and laugh, thanks to my friends.

That's right.. You could say that 'friends' is the main topic of this blog.

In my opponion, the best friends you could ever get are the ones in high school - where you will share most of your experiences in camps, classes, lunches, etc.

The best friend you could ever get is the one that you can look for when you are in trouble. One that understands you. My friends don't really understand me, but they cheer me up even at the worse occasions. Maybe that's probably who I am.

Back to the dream.

So I had let out all my anger, and someone was badly injured. Then I had lost something very important to me. But when I was walking in the fields, I saw my friend Richard and Frank, and they woke me up from that nightmare..

I don't know but, this could be a sign for me :).

All I can say is, a good friend is one that you can rely on when you are in trouble. It's just that you shouldn't stab them in the back for any reason.

Moving onto the next topic of this blog, mainly my feelings..

Recently, I have been unable to sleep properly.. Why? I do believe that I am suffering from depression.

I have had fatigue and tiredness on very random occasions, and even, headaches. Even right now as I am typing this, I begin to feel dizzy.

I'm beginning to feel worried about myself. I can't sleep, I can't eat very well.

If you haven't noticed, I do not eat much except an apple at school.
I skip breakfast in the morning, and the only thing I usually have is dinner. Sounds fun aye? Strangely, I don't feel hungry at all..

All I ever do is sit there, and think about the worst that could happen.

Maybe I just worry tooooooooo much.

I have the fear of hurting others, and the fear of losing the ones I love.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Education in Vietnam

I can only start off by saying how different the educational system is compared to what is here in Australia. You could say that in Vietnam, they know alot but don't know alot. Get what I'm saying?

Well, they study alot and know alot which makes them smart, yet the variety of technology and the availability to new information is just so poor. Because of this, most of the people in Vietnam do not know much.

As a matter of fact, I could only say that their level of Science has grown really slowly.

One day, I asked my parents if they knew that someone could survive without meat. Well, obviously they couldn't because they need the vitamins that could only be found in meat. Well, they answered no, but a no with a 'you must eat meat'. Sadly this is incorrect. Of course there are some foods such as Tofu that give the consumer the same vitamins. We sort of argued over this but of course, I was right.

So as you can see in the above paragraph, the Science taught in Vietnam is very poor. Even as I've heard many stories of my dad being very smart, etc. He did not know that tofu could be a meat substitute.

After having that arguement with my parents, it had made me think about the education in Vietnam.

When I was in year four, I had travelled back to Vietnam for a what-supposed-to-be 2 week vacation (until I realised I had so much fun that I forced my mum extend it to 6 week). Within this time, I was once told to read and do some maths questions. It was in Vietnamese so that didn't help, but I noticed that they taught year 7 maths to year 4s. Amazing huh? How do I know? It was asking for the area of a trapezium or so, and we haven't learned that until last year or so.

Not only that, but I could still remember the time when pumps were still used, even back when I was in year 4. It was amazing. The water was free and still is, but dirty.

Now with the improvement of technology, the life in Vietnam is slowly becoming better, but I'm still concerened about Vietnam's knowledge of Science. I'm sure that they haven't discovered the many bacteria. They don't even know about the many form of cancers that can appear, which leads me to another sad story which makes me look back and really make me close my eyes.

If you hadn't known, my grandpa on my father's side had died when I was 4. The people in Vietnam likes to smoke tobacco, and my grandpa just happened to be one of them. By his 60s, I guess he had throat cancer, and that's how he died. I was clueless, so I have decided to ask some of the old ladies that lived in our street.

My grandma told me that he died of something that she didn't know, and this old lady said that he died because he had this lump on the back of his neck.

Not long after, I could only realize that he died of throat cancer, with the evidence that I have picked up..

Now, I stare at my uncle, thinking that he could not help it but smoke once every 30 minutes..

I could still remember the time I was in this really old building for pre school. My mum walked past for the rice paddies.

I cried..

It shows how quickly life goes by..

And when I go back to Vietnam, I could still remember that building..

Only, it is now dilapidated.. unoccupied.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sonnet CXVI

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O, no! It is an ever fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
Whose worth's unknown, athough his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

William Shakespeare

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Changing World In My Eyes - The Education

Thanks Yvonne for the idea.

While thanking her, I could not help but think about the future which has a laptop-filled educational system. Not only that, but today in Science I have heard some of the girls discussing about the laptops that the Australian Government is giving out.

Of course, the year 9s have gotten their laptops already. Today, people use technology and in time, I do believe the Government would hand out laptops to all years. As I have stated above, people use technology a lot nowadays. If the Government would do this, you would most likely to see the whole school on their laptops during the whole of school time.

Not only that, but you could say that this effects the amount of time people spend playing handball or so. For example, a group of students play handball. They're all good friends. But during year 9 or so, they receive their laptops. One of these friends in the group decides to spend their time on the laptop instead. This would affect another person, and another and so on, until our playgrounds are completely empty.

Also, why is the Government focusing on teaching by laptops, while there are other countries who can't even provide proper education. Not only that, but the human race grown to a state where we can't let go of technology. We are near-completely dependant on technology. Of course, this does not affect those poor countries.

What ever happened to handwriting. And it is a fact that the human brain is most likely to remember things if it is read and then written. With the laptops, there will be fast typers. Today, people are quite lazy and tend to get things done quickly. By typing fast, I guess you just don't learn as much as you would write.

Is technology really good for us? Over the many years, I've compared the work in Vietnam compared to the work completed here in Australia. My parents would always complain about the bad life that the students in Vietnam would have but without technology, it has taught them a lesson.

Like I have said above humans are growing to a state where they are completely dependant upon technology. To back up what I have said in my previous paragraph, I will write a timetable of a daily 15 year old's life in Vietnam compared to one in Australia.


6:00: Wake up. Brush teeth, eat/skip breakfast (yes this still happens).
6:30: Walk to school with friends (sounds fun)
7:00: Get to school.
7:30: School starts.
11:00/12:00: Get home and eat/skip lunch. Study or sleep.
13:00: Back to school.
17:00: School Finishes
17:30: Home, do chores such as feeding bull or helping out parents in the fields or study.
19:00: Eat/skip dinner.
And the time the person sleeps depends on how hard they study. Sometimes they would even sleep at 2 or 3 in the morning.

Now for the Australian.
7:00: Wake up prepare for school. Nice breakfast.
9:00: School starts.
15:00: School ends, after lunch and recess.
16:00: Get home and relax for an hour or so.
18:00: Dinner.
19:00: Study for an hour or two.
20:00: Watch TV.
22:00: Sleep.

Take some time to compare these two timetables. Of course, this is probably not yours but mind me, a 15 year old's timetable is quite like this.

But I can't just say Vietnam is bad without thinking about the other side of the world.

Technology is growing in a pace in which I believe humans can't even catch up with. Look at the changing world right now. Look at the rate in which new technology is coming out. Think about the increasing rate each day. Will there be a crash in this..

You could define Technology as something that makes life easier. And when it makes life easier, people grow lazier and lazier.

But even after talking about this, I don't think there will be a future where robots would do all the work or so.

As stated in my previous posts, I believe this world will end because of humanity's actions.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Food Chain That We Created

Well, I've been on Yvonne's blog and find her latest post quite humourous yet fascinating. As we all know, humans are at the top of the food chain (even though we can get eaten too) and we are also known as 'killers'.

So the food chain was all peaceful a few million years ago, until we came in!

So what's happening now? You could say that anything we eat is going to become extinct. We as humans do not know when to stop. Let's put it this way. A group of whales are swimming peacefully and chatting. Then we came along and brought harpoons with us.

I guess you could say that it's part of human nature to explore and try new things. There's crocodile meat. Ever tried that? The Aborigines killed kangaroos to eat but at least it was enough to survive. Ever since the settlement of the Europeans, everything is lead to money and I suppose that's when the mass killing of all species began.

Not only that but we are slowly killing down our forests. As a matter of fact, scientists have believed that some species were wiped out before we even found them and what's funny is that they're not stopping.

(Back to the whales)

So before we came, there were more than three thousands of them. Now there's a couple of hundred. Like I have mentioned before, humans would do anything for money. The Japanese said they'll stop, but are they? In a way, you can't really blame them. Before the new rules came in, killing whales was allowed. This meant that the person who killed it would make money; and humans need money to survive. If they stop, they'd have to find some other way.

You could say the food chain was very stable before settlement of many countries. The krills eat the planktons, the whales eat the krills, the orcas hunt down the whales. Isn't that peaceful?

As my science teacher once told me, to make a balance chain there must be more producers than consumers. As I have mentioned before, we as humans are on the top of the food chain. And with the increasing population, this stable food chain has been manipulated into some crap.

Now, Yvonne told me that we should start eating vegetables. Well, that's possible. But I believe the human race has gone to a point where they think they are very powerful which leads to the fact that they are ignorant and careless. So making a halt to the amount of meat we consume each day will take quite a while (and, I do mean a WHILE).

Making a halt to such a thing would be quite hard, as this is 'our' food chain now. We have reduced the population of several species to a number where it will take hundreds of years to recover. But in that time, I suppose Genetics Engineering can come in and support the fact that we should start eating vegetables and vegetables only.

Only when humans realise their mistakes, they also realise it's 'sort of' late.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Changing World In My Eyes - The Changing World.

So, as we all know the world is changing; new technology, the population increases, the world slowly dying and of course, people migrating from country to country.

Strangely, I am mostly concerned about the fact that the world is becoming overpopulated. With the population increasing each day, the world will soon be completely covered. China, for example, is probably one of the best images of the future. Of course in India, that could also be our future's image, due to the fact that our wolrd is slowly dying, but we humans never learn. With the help of Science, I do believe that we will all selfishly destroy and discover other planets.

(Back to the topic of the world becoming overpopulated)

With the world becoming overpopulated, humans will begin to find a place and live where ever they can. This would obviously mean that cultures will be mixed with cultures. Strangely, this saddens me. Not just that, but the fact that humans would probably do anything to keep it's race alive.

I suppose I am just used to living in Vietnam, and seeing Vietnamese people. And I guess I'm just used to the lifestyles, cultures and technologies, and the people Vietnam. I see them everyday, and would usually expect them to stay like that. But with the problems that humans are going to eventually face, I guess that staying the same won't happen. Everything will be different in a few years time.

You will see other cultures living in other countries. And there will be many religions in a single area. And I guess this would make the life that we used to have very complicated.

What about jobs? What about money? What about us - What will happen to us?

Everyday, I just wish that humans were given a second chance. I just wish that we would be wiped out soon, and that we are given a second chance after a few hundred million years (after our extinction). Will this ever happen..

I just hope..

Thursday, November 5, 2009


It just shows how life goes so fast..

I am Born
I am in pre school
My Grandpa is dead
I am in Australia
I went to school
I'm in year 6
I'm in High school
I'm in love With You

I close my eyes,
And hope whatever that happens next
Won't be too much of a surprise.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Changing World In My Eyes - My story.

So why did I make this blog?

Let's just start off by saying that life goes by really quickly.

In my position, I would always think about the future in a simple blink. I wonder to myself and think about how different it was 50 years ago compared to what it is now. The actions of humanity has probably painted a future already. The inventions and improvements made everyday - neverending.

I still remember the time that I had lived in Vietnam. It's over now, yet somehow I wished that I had never gone to Australia. Living in Vietnam was so different. If you had compared Vietnam to Ausralia and other countries, it's amazing how many different things you may find. Of course, I look deep into these things and often stare into space thinking about it; mainly to be speaking, the shape of my future - the shape of the world and what we do with it. I ask myself 'What happened if I lived in Vietnam? Would my life be better or worse?' Of course, most would say Australia is better than Vietnam because of the benefits that it has.

Well, living in Australia sounds all fun and rich, especially for the people in Vietnam. I return to Vietnam and talk to the neighbours, and they all wish to live here. You live here and you eventually realise that something's missing; your loved ones. All I can say is, this world is contaminated by money. Money is everything in life. I don't think there will ever be a future where humans can help each other raise food and live without money. Picture it. Isn't it just too perfect. But in life, there's the good and the better. Those with more money gets the better things, but there are things that will miss.

In Australia, I was able to have access to new and better things. In Vietnam, I guess I had all I need. In Australia, I have been accepted, rejected. In Vietnam, I have been warmly accepted but why? The contamination. I can sum it up in a few lines to describe the life in Vietnam and how I am warmly accepted.

One here is many there.
I am accepted because I have many of the many.
The many is little here.

I can only conclude by hoping you understand the 3 lines above and say that I hope that this world will change.

If not, I can only wish that humanity falls.