Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A man

This world used to be Heaven,
Then it became Earth,
But now it's Hell.

That's besides the point of this post.
First of, apologies for not posting for at least a week.. I've been lazy and net was down for about 4-5 days. Now, onto with the post.

So.. I got my "L's". Frankly I'm quite worried about my driving abilities. I doze off a lot.. and that kind of dozing off might lead to some trouble. And when I do drive with my dad I'm worried more about him than for myself. My dad was literally grabbing onto his seat the first time I drove with him.

Before I actually started driving with my dad, he hired an instructor for me. Which leads to this post.
From car to relationships.. gee..

So I found the instructor really cool. I was quite surprised that there were Asian adults like him out there. He tells me his life story and asks me questions its cool.

He tells me how he came over when he was 10 I think? He told me the obvious stuff of course like how it was so different back then. He studied till 15 and was expected to be quite independent. He had to find a job etc. He told me how he loved his $2000 car so much and it was all very funny and interesting.

Then we came to the topic of relationships. He sort of shared the same view I do.
He asked me if I have a girlfriend etc, and then started telling about love: When you're young, you have so much energy. Use that energy now cos if you don't then you become old and you lose all that.

He tells me something like missing his younger self.. I mean who wouldn't. He missed playing hard to get, cos as an adult now it isn't the same. What is playing hard to get O_O.

Interesting stuff from an Asian adult :).

To end this post I leave a Vietnamese song

Chuyện ngày xưa của tui,- Here's my story
nhà gần bên có cô bạn thân - there was a close friend (girl) that lived near me
Ngày tháng ấy ta như trẻ thơ, - we were very young then
thật đẹp biết bao!-very beautiful and handsome
Nàng làm thơ trao tặng tui,- she wrote a letter to me
đêm về tui viết những khúc nhạc - and at home I would write songs
Rồi ngẩn ngơ những lúc em tươi cười quên hết âu lo - and think of the times you smile I forget everything else
Thời gian trôi cứ trôi thật mao, - time went by very quickly
tình yêu tui lớn lên cùng em, - my love for you grew
mà tui không giám nói lời yêu với em - but I don't have the guts to tell you
Rồi một hôm em sang nhà chơi,- then one day you came over
em bóa tin em biết yêu rồi, - you told me that you know how to love
thật ngẹn ngòa khi em đã yêu người không phải tui. - it turns out that you love someone - not me.
Lòng tui đau thật đau khi thấy em yêu người ta - my heart ache so much seeing you love someone else
Chuyện tình mình bao lâu mơ ước đã tan theo gió trôi về đâu - all my dreams for us has gone lost with the wind
Ngâm nguồi thương cho tình tui, sao chỉ thấy héo úa tim sầu - (something about being in grief)
Chẳng được gần em, bên em như bao mộng ước đang giở dan - can't be next to you, I wish things were simpler
Ngày xưa ta gân nhau không giống như ta ngày nay - things are not the same any more.
Chẳng phải buồn cô đơn mong nhơ đêm đêm nhứt nhói như giờ đây - (something about dreaming at night)
người đã đi theo người ta chỉ còn lại kí ức phai nhòa - you have gone with someone else, leaving only fading memories
Chuyện một người yêu cô bạn thân thôi nay đành lỡ...... từ đây - the story of a girl that I loved.. beings here? o.o

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