Thursday, September 30, 2010



'On April 7, 2010, AOL announced that they were planning to sell the website or shut it down.[17] This was mainly due to the falling numbers of unique users, Bebo users were moving to the growing Facebook and to Twitter.'

I read this on Wikipedia about Bebo.

I decided today to go back on Bebo to look at some year 7 and some year 8 memories.. I've gotta say, Bebo's still an important part of me. I log on sometimes to read the old messages, the people who gave themself 'Love' using their own accounts. So funny.. Good old times, but time passes and things change. I made my Bebo in year 5, and I slowly grew it with all these pictures. What hurt me mostly was the fact that it was sold to another company. Today after trying to log in, well, I couldn't.. This new server was just horrible. It saddens me. Pictures were left back in Bebo and I wanted to look over them quickly. Comments were left back in Bebo. Memories were left back in Bebo. 'Love' was left back in Bebo lol.

And I can only say, there is something about Facebook that's missing. I can't really explain it, but I seriously miss the old times back in Bebo. Then people started shifting to darn Facebook. I could say though, everything was running quite smoothly back when Bebo was popular :). Now it's a rough road, probably cos everything that's happened to me and the growing up part of it.

All I wish is just to log onto Bebo frequently, and perhaps the next time I'm able to.. Imma get some pictures while I'm at it. :D. Happy times.... don't last xD

Oh, and since i'm on this topic, I suppose I can link it to 'Adapting' cos as time changes, people change and this will create a change of others to change and adapt to what has changed if that makes any sense.

You see, I think that the way people change and adapt into their new environment is a part of the brain to survive. Get what I mean? When you've moved on from primary school into high school, you'd be expected to be more mature and different. You could even say that you feel different the moment you step inside those new gates. And this is perhaps a part of this adapting. You adapt into the environment so that you can become accepted, and this is pretty much what everyone wants. This is probably because this adapting helps them get by their days cos like they say, time flys by when you're having fun.

It's quite agreeable that the people in Macquarie Fields High School, of my year, have noticed the changes in the past 3 years. People changing from Bebo to Facebook is another example. It may have started with one person, and then two, and then three and then people begin to change and adapt to it so then they can get their days past.

And then there's the evil side of this changing and adapting where a person uses another person. Whether some of you might notice or not, there is an unnoticable ranking of fame in our schools. Some of us may not care but it is evident that we live in it. Again, we may not notice it when we use someone to get into a higher rank of this 'fame'. And people do change....

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