Sunday, September 12, 2010



As part of this post, I will firstly state 'Is it humans that are cruel to this world, or is it the other way around'. Some of us live happily in a well built society whereas others suffer. Right now, I believe more that we are cruel to the world, and the world reflects on us of what we do to it. Like I've said before in my other posts, we've molded this world. We are now playing god of our own world.

But how is the paragraph above relevant to this post?
Hint: The part where I talked about how others suffer in other parts of the world.

At times, my parents give me lectures and tell me stories of the poor people out there who do so well in education etc. Even though they do well, money's a problem in this world, and even if someone studies well, even money is required. Quite saddenning. I've read this article in my english tutor once and it said something like, 'a person is born into the same class as his or her family'. In life, we have a class system, as in the rich, the middle or the poor etc (or something like that). If you were born into the rich, you'd most likely be rich in the end. if you were born into poor, you'd likely to be poor. But the article also stated that, to get out of the lower classes, education is the way. But for education, you need money and in some countries like Vietnam especially (cos my parents tell me a lot of stories back there), you may be smart, but you'd need money. See how cruel this world is... so in the end, for some people, even being smart will not help them move up in life.

A story or two that my parents told me;
There's this kid who lives with his mum. Each morning, he'd wake up at 4am and buy some pig parts such as skin and stuff for his noodles shop. He would buy it and go home and scrape off the hair/fur of the pig's skin. Then he would study. THen he would go to school. His mum would sell noodles while he's gone. That's all my parents told me, but... the kid lived in a 8m squared house or something. The kid said that 'In the summers, when I study, it gets really hot because of the size of my house' (well something like that, only cos I translated it). It's quite saddening, and when my parents tell me these type of stories, my dad's eyes would turn red as if he was about to cry. Such a man is affected by this simple stuff that happens on the other side of this country.

Another story was about this guy who studied really well, but then as I mentioned before, money was a problem. He was very smart but money was a problem. Because of money, he couldn't become a doctor. Instead, he had to take some other cheap alternative study that costed less money and required less time to complete. He said that he didn't have the money to study to become a doctor and that he took the alternative so that he could help his mum in a shorter time in the future.

My mum knows these three ladies but they are from different stories.

The first two of the three are sisters. They are quite.. large and again, poor and they've just recently moved into Australia. The words that come out of their mouth are so sweet though, so my mum gave em one of our old TVs to help them out the least (yes, they did not have a TV). One of the ladies said something to my mum like 'you are so nice to us, in this country, I only have my sis because noone likes us cos we're... fat'. I don't like the term fat, but I'd go with large or some sort of mocking word, but fat is just isn't my word. Once again, money is such a worry and a problem. What cruel humans.

Final story, the third lady. The third lady, in her 50s and near 60s, goes to work but she tells my mum about how slow she is and the boss sometimes tell her to 'go home' (is that allowed??). So each time she is told to 'go home' she would sit somewhere around the workplace and cry. It doesn't seem that sad until I mention how she has a son. In a way, they are trying to move into the higher rich classes in life, and her son is her only chance left, so with most of her earnings she would spend it so he could go tutor. And with the words of a parent she says 'I don't care if you don't become rich and can't help me in the future. I just want you to remember me'. How sweet.. I feel so sorry for her, and she's still in her 50s and working to help her son move up in life. Cruel humans and such cruel society.

So why did I mention these stores? Well, it's quite saddenning and I guess I'd conclude that it is humans that are cruel to this world. The world just reflects on what we do. To go up in life, you'd need education, but for education, you'd need some money.

In the end, I call this post Sympathy, cos I guess that I feel sorry towards things quite easily and I guess I get it from my parents..

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