Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The shitness of Engrish

'The shitness of Engrish'

I am making this post because;
1. I dislike English
2. I suck at it

We were walking back from our bushwalking and I heard Mr. Davies and some people talking about how English is pretty useless past year 10. Mr. Davies also said something like 'Without English, there won't be any jobs for the English teachers'. Agreed and agreed.

Without English, there would be less jobs for the citizens. I think that's the main important point.

Secondly though, why the hell is English made the most important subject. I can't really say anything should be made the most important. And there's this part of English that I really hate; the fact that 'famous' people point at a poem or a literacy artwork and say 'Oooh I like this, I shall post this, make it famous.....' well you get the point. I've never really understood how poems or most literacy works becomes famous.

Then there's the deciphering part of a literacy work. These famous people try to analyse a poem and start making up bullshit about it. In other words, one single poem has like 10,000+ meanings. It really depends on who it is that is deciphering it and then there's all these other factors that affect how this poem is deciphered. My English teacher says 'To understand what a poem means, we should try to get back into time where the author once lived and understand what is happening around them'. I totally agree with this, but that's the flaw there. We can't BE that person again so instead, we begin to decipher it and choose it to become famous and all these other bullshit.

And it's not just English that this applies in. It applies in everything that involves going back into the history of a person. You could say 'So close, yet so far'. We gather information on what the person's history and environment and we try to put these into a puzzle. And in the end we all agree on an incomplete puzzle, a puzzle that is missing one piece; and that missing piece is the piece of 'BEING THAT PERSON' (I can't find a better word). So here we are, believing what we want and we believe that we are close or even complete in knowing a person in history but in fact the most of it depends on 'BEING THAT PERSON'. I don't care if psychology comes into this; talking about the person's environment and experiences or even science coming in with all these facts. The fact that we aren't that person will always make us very far from the truth.

.... What is love?

.... What is love?



Sometimes I stare at midair and wonder what love is..

I think that dictionary.com has covered most of how love is defined, but honestly, I would only agree on the fact that love is different for everyone. For some of us, we go for the looks, some go for the brains and some go for a little bit of both. For me, it's more of the brain that's important but I'll be honest for those who read;

"I somewhat fall in love with a girl if I stare at her more and more each day". Lol. It's pretty crazy and I have been called many things cos I've said that. Doesn't seem like me eh?

*Which comes back to the point, why do I even bother blogging and posting these personal stuff? It's for people who care. Keep reading :).

Back to the topic. So, I've seen people love for sex too O.o and there some points in my life where I've heard that
'Sex is what bonds people together'. Somewhat this is true nowadays - things have 'changed'.

Lets look at different places in the world and see what love is like...
Back in Vietnam or some of those poor Asian countries, the poor would love cos they have to and the rich would love cos they want to. So really, this money system does in fact have some role in this (stupid money system..). My parents' marriage was kinda arranged, not that it was cultural or anything but they had to to support the family. And then we look at Africa and then most would have to get married at an even earlier age cos two heads are better than one :). And no, any more heads would turn things really bad. Over here in Australia we can love who we want and when we want, but as life progresses you either become poor, average or rich.

Things can get really different with love for everyone. Some say that the poor value love more yet, what if the poor continue to make it worse. Example?
Guy does drug, starts buying all these drugs.
Wife finds out
He promises that he'll stop
Yet he continues and they continue to drop

I think this case is quite rare though and it is quite certain for most that love is more valued by the poor. But then this word comes in; 'Survival'. Yes, I sometimes quesiton is it love or is it just the couple trying to survive in this retarded world? All these subjects that I talk about; they get so complicated and there are so many factors that affect these outcomes. But for the majority of us, I think that survival is our main goal in life. Yet we say, 'We survive to die in the end'. Oh the irony of life. So why do we still continue?

Now I sit here, wondering everything about life and continue to wonder '.... What is love?'

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hay de anh yeu em lan nua

'Hay de anh yeu em lan nua' - Let me love you once more

*Warning Vietnamese song*

First Version

Second Version

On the right side >>>

Some of you may think it's gay. Understand it and hope you change your mind :D.


Đã có những khi anh đã sai. - There are times when I am wrong
Nước mắt của em đang nhẹ rơi. - Tears begin to slowly fall from your eyes
Thấm ướt hết vai anh tại sao. - You lean on my shoulders and ask what's wrong
Có lẽ bởi anh đã làm em không vui. - It's cos of me that makes you sad (not-happy?)

Cũng vì anh đã không lắng nghe những khi em buồn. - Also it's because I don't listen to you when you're sad
Để em vội vàng bước đi lạnh lùng. - I let you walk of 'cold' (angry, didn't understand?)
Lần sau cuối xin em thứ tha mong em đừng khóc. - I will ask you to forgive me and hope you don't cry
Hãy cho tình yêu hiểu ra để rồi thêm 1 lần nữa yêu - Let our love be understood and give it another chance

Sẽ mãi luôn yêu em , luôn bên em quan tâm em mỗi ngày. - I will always love you, always beside you, secure you each day.
Vì anh kô mún mất e lần nữa hãy lắng nghe lòng anh - Because I don't want to lose you again, please listen to me
Bởi vì khi xa nhau, tim anh đau,nhớ đến em rất nhiều - Cos when we're apart, my heart aches, I think of you alot.
Từng ngày cố gắng vượt qua đêm lúc ấy anh nhận ra có lẽ đã muộn - Each day I try to pass the nights (I don't get the last few words)

I think second version's better <3

Thursday, August 26, 2010

If I was a bird

'If I was a bird'

'Hey Henry, if you could be an animal, what would it be?' Raymond asks.

Everytime the answer 'Bird' would pop up into my mind.

If I was a bird, I could fly so freely and stare down at this pitiful world. I'd be able to fly nearly where I want and when I want. I'll be free. Although my life span will be shortenend and my power in this world will be minimized, the freedom I receive from being a bird outweigh these.

I may be powerless, but at least I can laugh at the people.

So what really happens at times is I walk to the station and I notice a batch of trees. It looks quite peaceful, but before the trees, there is society; in society, I see many cars. I'm thankful enough though, to be able to see these trees change as so the seasons. But like I said, before these trees you see millions of cars go by. How can such small amount do enough work to save this world. Strangely, that small batch of trees could possibly represent the forests we have left in this world.

If I was a bird,

I would sit on a tree,
To look down on this world and see.
I would look and pity them all,
Sigh, this world is such a bore.
From day to day we'd work and work
Those humans are such jerks.
It's money most of them care,
They have a lot but non to spare.
They say help out the ones in poverty
We don't so they're unlucky.
But what can I do, I'd only be a bird
Looking down at this world that's absurd.

My current wish

'My Current Wish'

Current Wish:
The ability of teleportation to travel the world, staring at the natural wonders of other places and forgetting that a world exists before me.

Yes, it's true and quite... startling for some of your but this is really what I want to do. This world's crap and the natural wonders are like the only things thats left. Luckily there's protection for most of these sites.

Here are some pictures and I hope you understand why this is my wish;

*note all pictures are taken from real places

Обои на рабочий стол. Fall Colors

Yeah, the colour of Autumn. So beautiful. When I see this image, I feel myself walking in it for a second.

Обои на рабочий стол. Great Smoky Mountains

Holy shit there's a place with this many daisies? O.O.

Обои на рабочий стол. Fall Colors

Need I say more?

Enough picture spam for now.
Comments on CBOX please.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Changing me

'Changing me'

Over the past few years, as a little boy in Vietnam I've changed to this person in Australia. Like William Shakespeare, I have this thing against 'Time', but more importantly, I have a thing against 'Change'. Though, without 'Time', there wouldn't be 'Change'. Nevertheless, I continue to despise 'Change'. Over the last two years of my high school, I think 'Time' and 'Change' have worked their hardest to turn upon me. With this, I have created this Blogger.

'Change' is manipulative and throughout my life, I have seen multiple changes to my surroundings and more importantly, to the people I love(d). By changing the people I love(d), it is probably the reason why I hate it. Some of you may have already listened to my speech on 'Change' and the 'Overpopulation' Crisis, but that is on the 'Science' side of this blog.

So over the two years I have told myself that I'd be the same dirty rat I was back in year 7, but 'Change' and 'Time' has won this war. As I grow older, I think that my eyes opened wider and wider. As a kid, you could say that I was 'blind'. I didn't know or even care much about the world but as part of life and the ongoing 'Time', I begin to learn to see again and open my eyes.

Now, as a 15 year old, I have opened my eyes to the point where I question life. I do know one main purpose in my life right now though and it is to help my family. I wish to fulfill this purpose although my family members think really badly of me.
After being 'Changed' for some time, I finally see the humans in this world as something quite hideous.

Some of you may see that I don't seem as happy as I used to be in year 7. Well, 'Time' and 'Change' did this to me. 'I felt this strange feeling that I won't smile as much as I used to'. And I just discovered, it's true. I think I've come to a point where I'm ready to be a mature person in this life of mine. I'll try to resist cracking those 'jokes'.

At times last year, I would ask my older friends; 'How can I get rid of this dirty mind?'. I wanted to get rid of it so then some other people could show that they accept me. Deep down, you would say that they do but it's not what I only want. I want them to show me that they accept me. For the question, my friends would say 'In time Henry, but it just happens' or something like that; and I do believe that this year is my time.

And there was another time, when I asked about religion. And now [I don't want to offend anyone], I don't believe in religion. Simply - logic. As a child back in Vietnam, I remember the times when I would collect rocks - because of some belief I think - and I would keep them in this shed. At night, I would wish and hope that I would catch Buddha coming out of it. Quite whacky, but this used to be one of my childhood beliefs. As a 15 year old now, I question life, I question religion. Things are so complicated...

I finish this post by saying that I've lost the war against 'Time' and 'Change'. To remain as the old me causes pain but even to become a new person, it would still cause pain.

Curiosity Killed the Humans?

"Curiosity Killed the Humans?"

A few nights ago, I was talking to Yvonne about some of the related stuff on this blog. Whilst talking to her, I came up with this chain.

World > Humanity Evolution > Human Curiosity <> Human Greediness
Human Instincts To Survive

Result: Human downfall

First of all, to explain this chain; it starts off with the world, leading to human evolution. After the human evolution, Human Curiosity, Human Greediness and Human Instincts To Surive continue to revolve, one leading to another. Result, Human downfall. Well it's from my perspective anyways.. [interested?] read on.

I'll start off with the world, mainly to be speaking, the planets that humans have believed to be able to live in; which may also involve Mars.

World -
When I say the world world, I mean any environment that humans have a possibility of living on. I'll focus on Earth first. When Earth began to be inhabited by animals and such, it came down with the elements that are necessary for animal survival. For this, the chain first starts of with the World.

Human Evolution -
As time went by, mainly Natural Evolution and other forms of evolution comes in. For this, we believe that humans evolved from early apes. As time began to go by, the apes started to rely on their two legs to walk so no more crawling. After a while, it came us.

Human Curiosity, Human Greediness and Human Instincts to Survive -
As we evolve, we are given a brain that has given us more potential to survive in the world. This was part of the natural evolution. One mistake though, it made us too smart. With our instincts to survive, we began as the apes climbing on trees for berries and then the cavemen, inventing fire and tools out of stones. Eventually, we lead to more and more discoveries, all because of Curiosity and our Instincts to Survive. Our Instincts to Survive may have also led to some accidental discoveries. As time goes by, we become more and more curious of this world and so more discoveries. With this, we begin to mold this world of ours, killing the trees, killing the animals at high rates and much more. Along with this, there was the system of money. With the system of money, humans are 'curious' and continue to find new ways to earn money. Example; Drug dealing, for this the world created it. Through our curioisty of Science, we discover these bad drugs and over time our greediness take over so we can earn money to survive as a human instinct.

As time continues to go by, some of us continue to find new ways to earn a living; maybe bad, maybe good. And once we find it, some of us go overboard. I mean, once we find the 'way' to earn money, we do it excessively. With the drug dealing example, a person may choose to grow like a secret giant farm of them cos of money.

Eventually we get to our downfall because of all these curiosity and instincts to survive. We may dig and use to many resources for money or we may even create tiny black holes that can really screw us up :).

I can rant on and on about this stuff, but it gets confusing and tiring for some of you, but from what I have above, I do hope the youse understand.

And on that night when I was talking to Yvonne, I've come up with two quotes or whatever (with some alterations).
The first, being the title of this
and the second being 'I blame the world for creating humans. Humans are like pupils to a kung-fu teacher. After we learn, we backstab. In this case, humans have become too smart. But ultimately, I blame humans for making the decisions we have had today. Along with our brain, we continue to be curious and search for the answer.'.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Cinquain

My Traditional Cinquain

It hurts.
I can't forget;
The memories, the joy.
But now I begin to question -
What's love?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Society's 'wierdness'

Society's 'wierdness'

Society's 'wierdness'

So I've been thinking about this, our society and how weird it actually works. First kiss and virginity. In society, we've made these two words become a part of us, so vital to us that even it can kill us.

Virginity - the state of being a virgin, whereas being inexperienced with sexual intercourse.

First kiss - Well, the name says it all.

Lets start off with the 'First Kiss'.
Read this some time for some... tips...

First kiss, is, well, the first kiss you ever make by mouth to mouth. I find it rather weird talking or discussing it too. I've always wondered what it's like to kiss a girl in a moment, I feel as though time would really slow down when it does happen. My curiosity in the past years have made me ask some of my 17 year old friends.
I ask; How do you kiss O.O. And what's it like?
They would always answer the first part of it, not the second. Guess that part's up to me. As for the first question, they would always say that 'When time comes, you'll know what to do'.

When they say that, it always makes me think for a second there and I continue to say in my head 'How the fuck'.

So.. the first kiss is one to remember and I'm sitting here right now wondering what it's like to kiss a girl. I've hugged a girl many times, and it feels so... loving? So warm.. But Meh.

Now for the virginity. This thing's like one of the biggest 'part' of us and I don't even know who came up with it and why it even exists. Back then I think people would get to an age and then get it over and done with. I don't think they ever had the intention of thinking of their virginity so 'preciously'?

Here we are today though, as teenagers, some of us wondering what sex is, some of us having done it, and some of us who can't even wait to do it.

It's so weird that we let these words basically control us and again, we want to give it away to that special someone. We all have different views on it though, as to whether our virginity actually matters. For me and most of the people I know though, I think we do care about it. If we think about it now, this word that controls us, it's pretty word.

An example would perhaps be having a girlfriend who had sex with another guy. We would be broken because;
1. She lost her virginity to another man
2. Well, it's kinda clear that she had sex with another man so either way it's a lose for that person.

On the other hand, if I was to become a person's boyfriend that had lost their virginity already, it would be a complete turn off. But as life goes on, I think my views on this will change, not as in I don't care, but I think I'll need a partner in life. Thinking about this and already worrying about the future is so weird... but that's me :).

Enjoy this post, cos I may not have any other ideas for some time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The future of relatives

Shit, I went 55 minutes over the time I told Diana I would have a blog up LOL. My mistake and apologies to anyone who waited ><. Lets get started :D.

"The future of relatives"

So it's been a while that I've wondered who my ancestors were and great news..? I think I'm Chinese :D. To be honest, I don't look all that Vietnamese compared to all my friends and family back in Vietnam. But while thinking of this, what startled me most was the future of my relatives. If you hadn't known, most of my family live back in Vietnam and my parents, siblings and I are the only ones here in Australia.

The only thing that had kept me connected with the people back in Vietnam was my parents and my Grandparents. I then wondered what would happen if my parents were to pass away sometime in the very distant future. Right now, my Vietnamese isn't all that good and neither is my English. And then I had to consider that some of my uncles and aunties had moved into Hanoi and Saigon. What I'm really trying to say is, my family is spreading everywhere and it'll be a matter of time before I won't even visit Vietnam anymore. It's quite sad for me. I started living in Vietnam till 5-6 and then moved over here. Now as a 15 year old, I realize that things are slowly separating and soon I won't even care that my life once existed back in Vietnam.

Thinking of this made me remember the vacations back to Vietnam, fishing with my cousins and going around on the Motorbikes. It was fun.. so was leaving that fun really worth it... Leaving my family, leaving the village. It's only my sis, bro and I that are here now and I'm so curious as to whether I will forget Vietnam.