Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Curiosity Killed the Humans?

"Curiosity Killed the Humans?"

A few nights ago, I was talking to Yvonne about some of the related stuff on this blog. Whilst talking to her, I came up with this chain.

World > Humanity Evolution > Human Curiosity <> Human Greediness
Human Instincts To Survive

Result: Human downfall

First of all, to explain this chain; it starts off with the world, leading to human evolution. After the human evolution, Human Curiosity, Human Greediness and Human Instincts To Surive continue to revolve, one leading to another. Result, Human downfall. Well it's from my perspective anyways.. [interested?] read on.

I'll start off with the world, mainly to be speaking, the planets that humans have believed to be able to live in; which may also involve Mars.

World -
When I say the world world, I mean any environment that humans have a possibility of living on. I'll focus on Earth first. When Earth began to be inhabited by animals and such, it came down with the elements that are necessary for animal survival. For this, the chain first starts of with the World.

Human Evolution -
As time went by, mainly Natural Evolution and other forms of evolution comes in. For this, we believe that humans evolved from early apes. As time began to go by, the apes started to rely on their two legs to walk so no more crawling. After a while, it came us.

Human Curiosity, Human Greediness and Human Instincts to Survive -
As we evolve, we are given a brain that has given us more potential to survive in the world. This was part of the natural evolution. One mistake though, it made us too smart. With our instincts to survive, we began as the apes climbing on trees for berries and then the cavemen, inventing fire and tools out of stones. Eventually, we lead to more and more discoveries, all because of Curiosity and our Instincts to Survive. Our Instincts to Survive may have also led to some accidental discoveries. As time goes by, we become more and more curious of this world and so more discoveries. With this, we begin to mold this world of ours, killing the trees, killing the animals at high rates and much more. Along with this, there was the system of money. With the system of money, humans are 'curious' and continue to find new ways to earn money. Example; Drug dealing, for this the world created it. Through our curioisty of Science, we discover these bad drugs and over time our greediness take over so we can earn money to survive as a human instinct.

As time continues to go by, some of us continue to find new ways to earn a living; maybe bad, maybe good. And once we find it, some of us go overboard. I mean, once we find the 'way' to earn money, we do it excessively. With the drug dealing example, a person may choose to grow like a secret giant farm of them cos of money.

Eventually we get to our downfall because of all these curiosity and instincts to survive. We may dig and use to many resources for money or we may even create tiny black holes that can really screw us up :).

I can rant on and on about this stuff, but it gets confusing and tiring for some of you, but from what I have above, I do hope the youse understand.

And on that night when I was talking to Yvonne, I've come up with two quotes or whatever (with some alterations).
The first, being the title of this
and the second being 'I blame the world for creating humans. Humans are like pupils to a kung-fu teacher. After we learn, we backstab. In this case, humans have become too smart. But ultimately, I blame humans for making the decisions we have had today. Along with our brain, we continue to be curious and search for the answer.'.

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