Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The shitness of Engrish

'The shitness of Engrish'

I am making this post because;
1. I dislike English
2. I suck at it

We were walking back from our bushwalking and I heard Mr. Davies and some people talking about how English is pretty useless past year 10. Mr. Davies also said something like 'Without English, there won't be any jobs for the English teachers'. Agreed and agreed.

Without English, there would be less jobs for the citizens. I think that's the main important point.

Secondly though, why the hell is English made the most important subject. I can't really say anything should be made the most important. And there's this part of English that I really hate; the fact that 'famous' people point at a poem or a literacy artwork and say 'Oooh I like this, I shall post this, make it famous.....' well you get the point. I've never really understood how poems or most literacy works becomes famous.

Then there's the deciphering part of a literacy work. These famous people try to analyse a poem and start making up bullshit about it. In other words, one single poem has like 10,000+ meanings. It really depends on who it is that is deciphering it and then there's all these other factors that affect how this poem is deciphered. My English teacher says 'To understand what a poem means, we should try to get back into time where the author once lived and understand what is happening around them'. I totally agree with this, but that's the flaw there. We can't BE that person again so instead, we begin to decipher it and choose it to become famous and all these other bullshit.

And it's not just English that this applies in. It applies in everything that involves going back into the history of a person. You could say 'So close, yet so far'. We gather information on what the person's history and environment and we try to put these into a puzzle. And in the end we all agree on an incomplete puzzle, a puzzle that is missing one piece; and that missing piece is the piece of 'BEING THAT PERSON' (I can't find a better word). So here we are, believing what we want and we believe that we are close or even complete in knowing a person in history but in fact the most of it depends on 'BEING THAT PERSON'. I don't care if psychology comes into this; talking about the person's environment and experiences or even science coming in with all these facts. The fact that we aren't that person will always make us very far from the truth.

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