Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fairy Days

Fairy Days

I borrowed a poetry book from the library. It's really good. Anyways, I'd like to share with you all a poem by William Makepeace Thackeray. William Thackeray, I'm pretty sure I've seen his last name before.

The poem is called 'Fairy Days'.

Beside the old hall-fire - upon my nurse's knee,
Of happy fairy days, what tales were told to me!
I thought the world was once all peopled with princesses,
And my heart would beat to hear their loves and their distresses;
And many a quiet night, in slumber sweet and deep,
The pretty fairy people would visit me in sleep.

I saw them in my dreams, come flying east and west,
With wondrous fairy gifts the new-born babe they blessed:
One has brought a jewel and one a crown of gold,
And one has brought a curse, but she is wrinkled and old.
The gentle queen turns pale to hear those words of sin,
But the king he only laughs and bids the dance begin.

The babe has grown to be the fairest of the land,
And rides the forest green, a hawk upon her hand,
An ambling palfrey white, a golden robe and crown;
I've seen her in my dreams, riding up and down,
And heard the ogre laugh, as she fell into his snare,
At the little tender creature who wept and tore her hair!

But ever when it seemed her need was at the sorest,
A prince in shining mail comes prancing through the forest,
A waving ostrich plume; a buckler burnised bright!
I've seen him in my dreams - good sooth! a gallant knight.
His lips are coral red beneath his dark moustache;
See how he waves his hand, and how his blue eyes flash!

"Come forth, though paynim knight!" he shouts in accents clear.
The giant and the maid both tremble his voice to hear.
Saint Mary guard him well! - he draws his falchion keen,
The giant and the knight were fighting on the green.
I see them in my dreams - his blade gives stroke for stroke,
The giant pants and reels - and tumbles like an oak!

With what a blushing grace he falls upon his knee,
And takes the lady's hand and whispers, "You are free!"
Ah! happy childish tales, of knight and faerie!
I waken from my dreams - but there's ne'er a knight for me.
I waken from my dreams and wish that I could be
A child by the old hall-fire, upon my nurse's knee.

I decided to post this mainly because of the royal wedding.. It's everywhere and coincidenatlly I ran across this poem.

Friday, April 29, 2011



I'd like to share with you all a little something I made a while back. Last year :).

This was for Kim.

This was for Kimberly.

I hope they both remember me giving it to them :). Anyways..

Click on the images for enlarged versions.

And I forgot, to my readers :)

Don't all guys wish

Don't all guys wish

Don't all guys just wish that they had a girl

Just one special girl

Who could lean on his shoulder

And tells him everything

And that it would stay that way?

There's not many guys reading my blog, since it's private, but I hope the girls understand :)

Additional Note.

BIRDS ARE COOL :D. I have a sad history with them though :'(

I wonder what it would be like to be a bird for a day. Especially in this rain :) Seems.. harmonising?? (Is that a word)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

28th March

28th March

30 mins..

19 mins..

11 mins..

7 mins..

6 mins..

5 mins..


2 mins..

My dad came home.. so I couldn't wait till 12am.

Something very special happened today. Something bad. It's been a month

I didn't get that title wrong by the ways.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I don't want to sleep

I don't want to sleep

I don't want to sleep, because hours will past and the next day will be here.

I don't want to sleep, because in those hours, I could stare at you sleeping.

I wish I could say those lines to the girl I love one day.

On a more realistic note, I need to do assignments ahaha, so I don't want the next day to come :(

Doesn't that look like me from behind? :D Too bad it isn't.

A good liar

A good liar

Who here disagrees that I am a good liar? I lie to everyone of course, but then there's the bad lies, the joking lies and the good lies.

The bad lies are quite self explanatory. You lie to cause trouble or that sort of stuff.

The joking lies are self explanatory too. It's a joke, nothing harmful was intended.

And lastly, you might all be wondering 'wth is a good lie'. A good lie is when you lie to protect another person, or yourself (really depends what you're defending yourself for).

Now, in a literal sense, you could say a good lie is something that's believable and a bad lie is something that isn't. Pretty confusing so far? I believe so.

Anyways, I really wanted to point out that I don't think anyone really knows when I'm lying :). I have this smile where I raise one side of my cheeks and you see that side of the teeth. It's very.. cheeky in some ways I guess. People used to believe that when I smile like that, I'm lying. Now, they don't know which is which. When I do smile like that, do understand that I am up to something.. or am I?

I'll give a perfect example (although this person is very gullible). A few weeks ago when we got our marks back for our history preparation essay, I went around and lie to people that I got a 'C', when in fact I got something better.

Well, when I was walking with Kelvin, I had told him to guess. I told him all these random answers with that smile of mine. After about 15 mins, Kelvin concluded that it's definitely (note how assured he is) not an 'A' so it must be a 'B' or 'C'.. well guess what I really got. Till this day, I still laugh at that moment. Kelvin, you are funny :)

After reading some of my posts, I think they're poorly written and structured. Excuse me for that :).


After thinking about it, I'm not all of that special :(. Other guys are good at lying too.



Memories are so important. I was clearing up my MSN list today (only deleting the people who deleted me). You can check whether you're on someone's contact list using the 'Contact Information' found in the Windows Live Messenger PLUS.

Well.. deleting these contacts do trigger memories. I remember the person, how well I know them etc. It hurts to know that I'm not on some people's list.. but that doesn't matter as much.

I think I'm one of the few who truly treasure memories; to the utter point where I can't get myself to sleep because I keep thinking of these memories. Memories aren't just what I think of, there's more but yeah...

None of this really makes sense right now ahaha. When people say 'treasure memories' or that sort of stuff, I don't think they treasure it as much as me and it a way, using those words disgust me because words are powerful. Use them like you mean it.

I google imaged some images on 'memories' and I found these pictures. I find the last one in particular powerful :).



Another Vietnamese song ahahaha. I've been posting up too many lately, and been listening to too many lately. This song's called 'Khóc' (Cry) by Vũ Khánh Duy. My cousins in Vietnam introduced me to this artist through the song 'Buồn' which is still one of my favourites.

Here are the lyrics and the translations are so much easier and has the melancholy tone unlike the previous song.

Trong tình yêu, ai cũng muốn được yêu được hạnh phúc bên người.
In a relationship, everyone wants to be loved, for the happiness

Nhưng có những mối tình chỉ đem lại cho ta nước mắt, hạy nghe và cảm nhận.. khóc
But with the love only brings us tears, listen and accept.. cry

Đã có những lúc anh ngồi giữa bóng tối chợt bật khóc nước mắt cứ tuôn chẳng lí do
There are times when I sit under the dim lamp, tears suddenly fall without a reason

Cho dù lau hết nước mắt kia chẳng ngừng chợt nhận ra là em đã đi xa
Whether I wipe my tears, they would not stop as I realise that you're gone

Sao người đi để lệ hoen ướt mi giờ có tiếc nuối chi thì người cũng ra đi
Why did you leave, for me to regret

Thôi đừng khóc nữa dù khóc cho đến muôn đời thì người cũng chẳng quay về nữa đâu
Well, do not cry anymore, not for my life because my love won't return

Tình yêu cho ta niềm vui , tình yêu cho ta niềm đau và cũng trao cho ta bao xót xa êm đềm
Our relationship gave me happiness, our relationship gave me pain, but it also grants me the warmth to relieve the pain

Khi đôi ta bên nhau thì sao thật hạnh phúc biết bao , luôn bên nhau dù cho có khó khăn
When we are by each other's side, there's so much happiness; always together even when times are tough

Người yêu ơi em là ai , người yêu ơi em chốn nào vì sao em luôn trao bao đắng cay cho tôi
My love, who are you. My love, where have you ran off to. Why did you leave me in such pain

Giờ đây tôi ngồi ôm thương đau khi người bước đi giờ mãi hay mãi tim nhận ra , đâu là yêu
Now I cry all by myself, since the day you left me, wondering what and where is love.

Đã đến lúc con đường phải rẽ lối vì tình yêu giữa chúng ta nay đã khác xưa
We've come to the point in the road where we realise it splits, because our love is the the same as it used to be.

Cho dù đã có đắp xây rất nhiều dù sao thì em cũng đã ra đi
Even though we've been through a lot, you still leave me.

Bây giờ tôi khóc để làm chi nữa đây ngày đó cũng đã qua và tình cũng đã xa
Why do I cry for anymore, that day is distant, and so are my feelings.

Ôi người yêu hỡi , người đâu biết rằng cuộc đời anh chỉ yêu mình em
My love, you don't understand that I will always love you

Tình yêu cho ta niềm vui , tình yêu cho ta nỗi đau và cũng trao cho ta bao xót xa êm đềm
Our relationship gave me happiness, our relationship gave me all the blame but it also gave me warmth

Khi đôi ta bên nhau thì sao thật hạnh phúc biết bao , luôn bên nhau dù cho có khó khăn
When we are by each other's side, there's so much happiness; always together even when times are tough

Vì sao em quên tình tôi , vì sao em luôn dối gian , vì sao em luôn trao bao đắng cay cho tôi
Why did you forget my feelings, why did you lie to me, why did you leave me with all this pain

Giờ đây tôi ngồi ôm thương đau khi người bước đi giờ mãi hay mãi tim nhận ra đâu là yêu
Now I cry all by myself, since the day you left me, wondering what and where is love.

Người yêu ơi em là ai , người yêu ơi em chốn nào vì sao em luôn trao bao dối gian cho tôi
My love, who are you. My love, where have you ran off to. Why did you leave me in such pain

Khi đôi ta bên nhau thì sao thật hạnh phúc biết bao , luôn bên nhau dù cho có khó khăn
When we are by each other's side, there's so much happiness; always together even when times are tough

Vì sao em quên tình tôi , vì sao em luôn dối gian , vì sao em luôn trao bao đắng cay cho tôi
Why did you forget my feelings, why did you lie to me, why did you leave me with all this pain

Giờ đây tôi ngồi ôm thưong đau khi người yêu bước đi giờ mãi hay mãi tim nhận ra . đâu là yêu
Now I cry all by myself, since the day you left me and I finally realise that. But, what is love?

Khóc để làm gì vì người đã xa , xa thật rồi
Why cry.. you are distant, far away from me now.

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

These trees are so beautiful. I was thinking, whilst looking up these images at 1:30 am, that I wouldn't mind being lost in a forest of these trees.

They're.. fantastic :). I think it gives me another reason to wish to have the ability to teleport. I'd be able to go and see these trees, which is part of my original reason (to see the natural wonders of the word).

Most people would think that such exotic places could only be found in anime, in fairytales. Yes, the images depicted in these mediums are wonderful, but the natural scenes are real as well.. if you look for them :). There aren't many people who are bothered, and I wish that I would be bothered when I'm older.

I want to capture nature changing through each season.

I'd like to share with you all one last picture. It looks fake, and it's quite obvious that it's screen captured from Windows Media Player but...

It reminds me of a willow. So.. it's sort of a willow/cherry blossom. It's very poignant, mainly because willows are 'sad' and cherry blossoms are 'beautiful'. Is there a word that describes something as both sad yet beautiful at the same time?

Some of you may be wondering why I'm up late. Well, it's because I slept in the afternoon and now I can't be bothered. I can't sleep and even if I try, I'd think myself to death. So after trying to sleep, I hopped back onto the computer. On completion of this post though, my eyes are getting tired, so it's time to call it a morning (get the joke? Oh I'm so funny).

Bình minh dịu em - Nguyên Vũ

Bình minh dịu em - Nguyên Vũ

Another Vietnamese song. I hope you guys listen to them whether you understand or not :). They're great!!

Bình minh dịu em - The mornings with you (I think)

Một cuộc tình dịu dàng dành cho em mãi mãi - a calm, relaxing life for you, forever
Hạnh phúc có lúc với anh thật lớn lao - the happiness with me at times can be huge
Biết bao ngọt ngào ngồi bên nhau say giấc mộng - the fun we'd have sitting by each other, dreaming
Không ưu tư không có bao phiền lo - with nothing to worry about

Rồi một ngày dịu dàng và bình minh bước sang - on a calm morning, you wake up and turn
Dụi mắt thức giấc thấy em cười với anh - waking up, rubbing your eyes and I see you smiling with me
Môi em thì thầm rằng em yêu anh rất nhiều - your whisper to me 'I love you'
Long lanh trong sớm mai môi hồng khẽ cười - it's early but your bright, pink lips still smile

Nhìn thấy ánh nắng ấm áp trong mắt em hiền hòa - through your eyes, i see that i warm you
Là điều hạnh phúc nhất trên thế gian dành cho anh - it is the happiest thing in the universe for me
Dù có những lúc sóng gió em vẫn luôn tươi cười - even when the weather's bad, you continue to smile
Nụ cười em long lanh ngàn hoa muôn sắc thơm - your smile is sparkling and it's like a flower

Có anh yêu em, tình yêu này luôn chân thành - Yes I love you, love is always true
Có anh bên em nhẹ nhàng cầm tay em - With me by your side, I hold your hands and everything is fine
Có anh ôm em, bờ vai bình yên những khi em buồn - with me to hug you, for you to lean on when you are sad
Tựa vào vai anh em không cô đơn và lo âu - you lean on my shoulders and all your worries are gone

Ước chi mai sau, tình yêu mình luôn tuyệt vời - I wish that our future, will always be wonderful
Ước chi mai sau ngày đêm mình bên nhau - I wish for the nights where we will be together
Dẫu cho phong ba, ngàn năm tình ta mãi không phai nhòa - I hope that even for a thousand years, our love does not fade
Và mỗi ngày có anh đón em trong tươi cười. - with me to pick you up each day with a smile

The translations took me a while. I hope they're as accurate as possible. My Vietnamese isn't all that good. Googletranslator aided me so credits to that too.

What I like this song is.. the happiness and joy of the love expressed :). All the other Vietnamese songs I've listened to are sad :'(

Once again, I've embedded the song to the bar on the right side of this blog.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge

I think this video completely disagrees with whats on this blog ahhaha.

What's most noticeable is my singlet. After I poured water on my shirt, you can see my singlet. Sort of looks like a bra.. so....

Today's Horoscope

Today's Horoscope

Your friends and associates might find it difficult to accept that you feel so good now. They may believe that something is lurking in the twilight behind your bright smile. Luckily, they are wrong. Although deep issues can rise to the surface over the next few days, you are quite capable of handling them. Don't worry about what others think; just be true to yourself.

I may or may not have a bright smile, but I am quite capable of handling my issues. I decided to post today's horoscope too because I wanted to mention how accurate these have been.

A few days ago, Kelvin and I did these Tarrot card readings from Google, and you won't believe the surprising results.

I was thinking too. Can someone answer me? What's worse than being told to die in a hole, called a hypocrite and 'hated' (the word hate is seen by that person as a very bad word). You'd all probably guess who it is already that told me all above. Of course, the word hypocrite is important because everyone should understand my thoughts on this term.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Just some brief notes

Just some brief notes

Firstly I'd like to say that this blog is now private. Please do not post any of this information anywhere. If I find out that it's leaked, EVERYONE in Australia will lose permission to read my blog and my trust.

The people who have been invited to read this blog are people I have.. faith on; faith that they will be different to the other people who hate me.

Richie said that 'You weren't there'. That is untrue; I was there, the group wasn't. They weren't there for Kelvin.

Anyways, we're going to Frank's house to do our songs today <3. I'll post the link of ME singing, and Kelvin's too if he does not wish to share it with everyone (which I intend on doing).

"Infinity is where I can pick up chicks" - I find that quote rather depressing and funny. It was funny because the person used the word 'chicks' but the depressing side is evident..

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hypocrisy and the need to be right

Hypocrisy and the need to be right

These are the two fundamentals of a human. I once said

'Did you know that the word hypocrite comes from the word human?' Of course that isn't true but it'll lead to what I'm about to say.

I'll start off with hypocrites. I will say it. Everyone is a hypocrite. It is a human fundamental. You can't deny that you've never gone back against something you've said. To call someone else a hypocrite, you're being a hypocrite. To say that you want to save nature, you're being a hypocrite. To be a human, you need to be a hypocrite. To be accepted into society, you need to be a hypocrite. You need to shower, eat, fart, shit to be accepted. And all this makes you a hypocrite if you don't want to harm nature. You say you want to help. I've got a very bad suggestion: help by dying. One less human, one less harm to the environment. I am a hypocrite. I've accepted that. I just find it so troubling that some people get pissed when they are called one. I don't understand why they would react like that.

Next I'd like to comment on how people like calling me one-sided etc. I am one-sided because I have strong faith in my opinions, and I am certain that they are facts and are the truth that can't be denied. What I really wanted to say is, another human fundamental is the need to be right. You just hate being told off don't you? But you know what's amazing? When you say something like 'Why must you always be one-sided?' or 'How come noone can ever convince you', have you ever realised that you're trying to be right? Think about it. You're trying to be right in telling someone that he/she's trying to be right (if that makes any sense).

And what concerns me the most is, people have been calling me these two terms yet in fact they haven't looked into it as I have. I may regard myself as a philosipher, not one of high intelligence etc, but the way I look at things, people just don't understand. Arrogant, hypocritical and one-sided humans. I am all of those but unlike some, I have accepted it.

I realise what isn't realised.

This blog

This blog

This blog will become private soon. It's getting annoying with all these pricks not acknowledging my insight. If you wish to read my blog, show your support for me. Ask me on MSN for permission if you really care.

This blog has a lot of thoughts, and I will not deny that anything posted here is wrong except maybe vague 'descriptions'. Otherwise, toodles. Enjoy the last of this.

I will make it private tomorrow.



Of course, people use that word hate a lot now. What really makes me laugh is that people don't express it well enough. I learnt this from my Shaolin teacher.

And why would I really care if people hated me? It's not like I hang around any of those haters.

And I will say it again. Those were not assumptions. I was talking to Kelvin on the day when he was all alone. Enjoy fuckheads.

I laugh at all the pitiful blame. Of course, if you really want the truth. Go ask Kelvin. But for his sake, I don't want him to express his true opinions. So hate me. Leave him alone.

Besides Kim, knowing you hate me really helps me move along. Thanks. Of course, you were the one that told me that hate is a strong word. Use dislike. So I do use it. But for you to use it, really shows how much of rubbish I am and I'd like to thank you for showing me that. And I've told you once. Things easily stick in my head. You will regret using that word one day.

And a last note. I'd like to thank Julie. Whether I was wrong or you guys were wrong, she told me she felt guilty.

My state

My state

I am in a situation where I am mentally unstable. What I know is sad... and it's not the drama with Kelvin. The word I've said with the drama with Kelvin, I do not take it back and I assure everyone I know what I'm talking about :). I am as certain as everything on this blog is.

Anyways, from some other stuff Kelvin told me.. I don't know how to feel or what to feel. I'm so sad. Nowadays, I sleep at 12, thinking all the way up till then. Today I slept at 1am and woke up at 4am. A record.. *sigh*

"Look outside, full moon" I only got to say that once.

Well it's not like anyone cares now after what's happened. I don't care. If you're a friend of my friend, I'm your friend.

On a side note, do you know that feeling when you hold the hand of an opposite sex? Say if you were blindfolded and were given two hands, you'd first of all, might notice the structure of the hands and know which gender it belongs to. But secondly, you get this weird feeling.. some 'chemistry'. While I was editing this, the sun seemed to rise. I think maybe tomorrow if I can't sleep I'll wake up and see the sun rise. My mum gets up really early so it might be awkward..

New song too. Vietnamese. If you'd like to listen, you can find it on the right side of this page. The 'Download' button is very small (located at the bottom left corner of the icon or w/e lol)


Anh Sẽ về - I'll come back

Bao buồn vui có nhau ngày qua - The fun we've had together in the days that past
Mình đã yêu nhau nhiều hơn anh nghĩ - I think we love each other more
Hãy luôn luôn thật vui để mai khi rời xa - Keeping it for when we are apart
Mình cảm nhận được tình yêu ở hai nơi. - To help us accept that we are apart

Anh chờ mong tháng năm dần trôi - I long for the months to past
Để quay về và mình yêu nhau mãi - to return to you
Nhớ êm đềm từng đêm nụ hôn lúc ta xa nhau - I think about you each night from the day we are apart
Vẫn còn mặn nồng trên khóe môi. - I can still taste it on my lips?

Hãy cho anh thời gian nhé - Give me time
Hãy cho anh vòng tay ấm - Give me your warm hands
Hãy để anh nhận ra em yêu anh rất nhiều - Let me understand that you love me a lot
Sẽ giữ mãi những gì mình đã hứa - I'll keep the promises we've made
Hãy để thời gian mãi trôi. - Let the times past

Hãy cho anh thời gian nhé
Để mai sau cùng chung bước
Hãy để những yêu thương sẽ bên nhau chẳng rời
Có đôi lúc nhớ anh buồn em khóc
Em yêu ai hay chờ ai?
Anh sẽ về thôi!

Anguish, how pathetic

Anguish, how pathetic

Anguish? How pathetic. You're pathetic. Guess YOU'RE the one who don't know before you speak.

I don't have any feelings of anguish or that shit. Even if I did get invited.

1. I can't go (because it's a weekday) nor am I free on weekends

2. I refuse to go (don't believe this one? Go ask Brenda and if Brenda asks why you want to know, lead her to this. She is my proof. I've told her how I've felt lately because she asked) Or even, ask Julie :). Of course, ask Kelvin. He knows.

So you think I feel anguish? Get fucked haha.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Shame on you people

Shame on you people

Shame on you people for ditching him like that. Why invite him the first place. Invite those you consider a friend. A friend is someone you'd hang around. You left him hanging like that.

And how come I didn't get an invite? :'(. Fuck that. I don't want an invite haha. Just shows the friends I have aye?

People like you guys disgust me. Yes, people who went to Luna Park. And there is one particular person. And you've all ditched Kelvin for fun. Don't know why such people consider him a friend.

I might ditch him for a ride (because it's a hypothetical situation) but not for an entire day. Ditching a friend for fun. Too many people do that now.

A whole day alone *Shivers*

I hope this post makes you feel the guilt you never felt. Damn you all.


Happiness is a good medicine..


sadness spreads so easily and quickly..

Ergo Proxy

Ergo Proxy

The opening to the Anime Ergo Proxy is just.. powerful. It's an interesting anime and I think only Raymond G and I know it.

I think the future of mankind looks something like what's found in the opening.

Watch it on youtube since I can't upload it

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A survey

A survey

Hey peoples reading my blog.

I have a survey today. Could you all prease do it?


I'd like to thank the people who have completed the survey so far and commented. Some very useful comments/feedback, which I hope to discuss in this blog in the near future.

Thanks again


Henry :)

The perfect world

The perfect world

Brenda, the world I would live in wouldn't exist. I don't want a world to exist. No suffering, nothing of that sort of stuff.

On a more positive thought though, an ideal world is what we all wish for. Everything to be perfect. Ain't it? But that's not possible. It would be just a fairytale, the ones that we all wished to live in when we were little.

Monday, April 18, 2011

There's one good thing in life

There's one good thing in life

There is one good thing in life.. nature. I posted up some "strong" images/wallpapers on my blog before. I love them. They're so colourful, vibrant and they make me wish that I was there. They look as if humans have not contaminated them. Get what I mean?

I randomly posted this cos today, when I was taking out the rubbish, the full moon was so bright and beautiful. When I stepped outside I wondered if the lights were and so I looked up. There's no particular word to describe nature. I like it so much sometimes :D.

For a brief time, by looking at nature, one can escape the brutality of reality. It makes me wish sometimes that I could escape reality.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Changing Generations

Changing Generations

I'll start off by saying that this generation of teenagers and some of the adults in the previous generation sickens me.

Whenever I go shopping at Cabramatta, I examine the people and the things around me. When I see a husband walking with his wife, the first thing I notice is the way they dress. The Asian husband would be in shorts, with sandles and some old t-shirt. On the other hand, the wife is looking all "pretty" with the artificial make-up, handbags and clothing and don't forget the perfume. Some of them don't even look "pretty" at all. I'm actually scared of the ammount some ladies put make up on themselves. They look like a fucken ghost. And whenever I see this, I always ask myself "What has this world become" and I'm dead serious about that.

My mum has this friend who is married to some lady. They have two daughters. They're about 8 and under. The daughters' mum goes to work and when she finishes work, she comes home. The girls talk to her and she tells them to go away. That lady uses all make-up and stuff to make herself look "pretty". Instead of using money to feed the family and use for family entertainment, she uses the money to invest on a second house plus clothing and make-up for herself. Unbelievable, and from where this is going, I see our generation's gunna be exactly like her and the men I've said before.

The people at our school worry too much about their looks and they have to keep up to date with all these new stuff. They'll most likely shove away their child once their older, even though most might say now that they won't. In fact, some of the people in our grade would focus too much on these stuff to care about starting a family. I really dislike this idea. And all these new stuff is really what makes the definition of "love" hard. It puts new "standards" for love. For example, "Does that girl smell nice", "does she look good with her clothes" etc. Fuck that type of shit. I'm tired of seeing this in my life and assuming that people are like this, and I could say that my assumptions are most-likely to be correct.

It pisses me off to see how complex this world has become. That abstract feeling of "love", is it possible? Or is it all image. No, there is no meaning for love. For me, I will love the girl for as long as she loves me and the feeling that I have for her will be strong. If she falls in love with some other guy in the time we are together then to me, that isn't love. It's different for everyone, but in the end, all I'm saying is our generation is changing and all these new fashion and technologies put new standards to how we fall "attracted" to a person. Now that I've thought of the word "attracted" I think I can say that "attracted" and "love" are two complete different things.

"Love" is in the past, we "Attract" now. I may be some dirty bastard, but when it comes to a girl, I care and some girls just don't see that. I would be willing to change if I did something wrong, and I know I have in the past but I don't get the chance to change that. I think that hurts me the most. And instead of letting me change, they'd just give up etc.

To really sum it all up, FUCK THIS GENERATION. FUCK THE PEOPLE IN MY GRADE. Do you belong in the above descriptions? If so, the swear words are for you and I won't take it back no matter what. And that is why life in Vietnam would be so much more simple.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Feeling New

Feeling New

From now on, any person, mainly guys, acting hard or like a complete douche around me will suffer. :)

I think I've kept my rage in for too long for these faggots in MFHS to live happily.

Oh and as for that person whom I thought I knew. I don't, and I don't think anyone really does. Who are you? Why hadn't I ever known about that side of you? You're a lie. You're a joke. Screw you. May a curse be put upon thou.

I just have sooooooooooooo much anger to release :). Yet strangely, I am smiling and chuckling to myself :)



What's trust? Trust in my definition is any one that can shut their mouth when asked to :).

I will state this, I trust YOU. Hahah yes, you :). Don't get it? Ask yourself this: "Can Henry trust me?". You've failed already. If you know I can trust you, you shouldn't have any doubt and go to the point of asking yourself that question. If you hesitated and thought, then you know that you don't have my trust.

I know one thing for sure. I trust Kelvin. :).


Vietnamese songs

Vietnamese songs - Tùng Anh

I've posted up the lyrics to this song a while ago and I'd like to translate it :). The lyrics are great and I just think that Vietnamese songs have really powerful emotions in them. It may or may not be true but the artists just sing with such great emotion.

Đóng góp:

Bàn tay anh thấy giá lạnh.khi em nói câu biệt ly
My hands turn cold, when you say your words of goodbye
Vòng tay anh ôm rất chặt.nhưng em vẫn bước ra đi
I hold you in my arms, but you still walk away

Nhìn qua gương thấy bón hình.em cứ xa dần xa
I look back and see you, fading away
Chợt nhận ra em đi mất rồi.giờ một mình lẽ loi
I don't believe that you're gone already. Now I'm by myself, wondering

Em giờ đây…không còn là ngày xưa
You are not like you used to be
Một người đã đã rất yêu anh
You used to be the one that loved me
Anh nhìn em ra đi.lệ rợi trên mi sầu úa
I watch you walk off.


Ở bên người mà em chọn nhé.anh sẽ nguyên cầu cho em từng phút
You chose to be by my side, I can recall every minute
Những kỉ niệm ngày xưa đã rất ngọt ngào.
of the sweet memories of the past
Chỉ riêng mình anh khắc sâu
Only I am treasuring it?

Ở bên người ta vui em nhé.đừng buồn như bên anh lúc trước
When you're by another person's side, be happy, not like you were when you were with me
Nếu mai này gặp nhau
If we meet again
Anh muốn thấy nụ cười,muốn thấy một người anh đã yêu
I wanna see laughter, I wanna see my love...
Thật hạnh phúc…!!!
being happy.

Got it from Youtube. Sad song :'(.

On the topic of Vietnamese songs, I don't know why people give an exaggerated "eww" or that sort of dislike towards it. There's this one particular person who used to like some Vietnamese songs, now SHE goes all eww on it. Is it because she doesn't wanna be associated with me, because people don't like the way I am? Let's hope not. Screw you if it is and you'll know who you are if you ever read this.

I will admit that I am some annoying pest. But I have edited this and taken back the apology. No regrets anymore for someone but still for others :). And I apologise to them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Horoscope for Today

My Horoscope for Today

You may be revisiting childhood memories with more clarity than usual, and this could be a pleasant distraction from what you should be doing. However, your little excursions into your personal history might reawaken emotions from the past. Analyze your feelings so you know which ones are significant enough to motivate new action. This process will take practice, but, fortunately, you can learn to keep up external appearances now while you also attend to your journey within.

Then again. I wish I could stay up till 6am. All i would do is reminisce :). Memories~

On another note. I think this blogger's gunna be sort of a diary of my life. Very special to me. I'm not going to move to tumblr or anything, and I hope that other school mates that still own a blog don't either (if that makes any sense). This blog is nearly two years old and I hope it will be older with the same people reading it. Thanks for caring.

This post was edited twice.

Thursday, April 14, 2011



Some people ask me about my addiction for Inuyasha and so I've decided to make a post on it today.

It all began in about year 4 I believe, when my family still had this satellite dish. My parents installed it to watch the Vietnamese channels, but I like the anime found on the Chinese channel I think. First there was Naruto, but that didn't last long cos Inuyasha came in after that. I was year 4, that innocent little dude and still am ;). So I watched it and I really liked the first opening "Change the World - V6". I'm surprised those guys aren't as famous as other boy bands, although I must admit some of their songs are weird O_O. A year 4 with a huge imagination I was :D and the idea of a half demon with sharp claws and romance was just perfect for me.

Julie did ask me if my liking of Inuyasha did have a deeper meaning and it does. People would probably see me as some dirty dude who enjoys violence but things can be quite different. I liked Inuyasha in year 4 because of the plot and the love triangle that Inuyasha had.

"OMG WTF IS THIS REALLY YOU HENRY?" Yeah I get that a lot.

Come to think of it, I did watch dramas back then too LOL. The Chinese ones that came up in the Viet channels. And and MONKEY KING :D. I remember this drama about a girl and a girl falling in love, but their parents fell in love with each other too haha. Never got to finish it though but does anyone know it?

Friday, April 8, 2011



Is it just me and my weirdness but when I listen to a song, memories pop into my head so easily and I can easily associate a song with an event in my life because I've listened to it so many times that time. Does that make sense?

And I don't think its just songs. It's smells too. I vaguely remember the new-home smell when I first came into my house in Australia.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Growing older

Growing older

As I am growing older, people say I look more like my dad haha. The hunchback, the height that sort of stuff. I'm happy that my little brother looks nearly like me when I was his age. Henry Junior :D. It'd be weird if he did turn out to look exactly like me though.

A little while ago, my mum and this old lady was in the kitchen. My mum called me to get the food to the dining room. My mum called me 'may' which is sort of a colloquial term for son. I went in to fetch the food and the old lady asked: "Why do you call your husband that?" LOL. Hilarious.

The things..

The things..

Quite weird how I used to be the guy that would go around everytime and do something just for fun. And I always had to do something. Now, there are people who've taken that spot and instead of doing this, I think.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A life left in Vietnam

A life left in Vietnam

This post might sound kinda like a repeat and I hope it has something new.. Anyways.. people have been discussing a lot about the 'old life'. Well, just about two :L (excluding me). What I mean by the old life is.. the life before a person moves. I came from Vietnam and I've been thinking a lot about it lately.

Last year when I did come back to Vietnam, I went to so many places and I had so much fun. I saw people having fun and that made me wonder if life in Vietnam was better. I really don't know how to organise this post, so it might sound a bit disorganised. Anyways, although the life in Vietnam can be quite harsh and it seems as if things haven't moved into 'modernism' I think it's more simplistic in some ways.

Sometimes, I just think about riding my bicycle everywhere in the village. Riding it to secondary school with my cousin or maybe even with the girl I love. Relationships really bound people together. It's hard to hate people in Vietnam, easy to communicate with and.. everyone just seems to rely on each other. Over here, it's compeltely different. People act different on the Internet, they rely on the internet to communicate all that sort of stuff. I just think life in Vietnam would be fun in so many ways..

And today, when I was riding my bike in the morning to the station. It started to rain and I got soaked. I don't think I really care. I enjoy being with the rain; I don't care if it made me sick. It also reminded me of the stories that my parents share with each other, of how they have to wake up early and sleep late. Sometimes, they have to work in the rain, but heck, that was life in Vietnam, and sadly, for some people, it still is.

And.. relying on each other, as people do in Vietnam draws them together. Which makes people who love each other really strong? But.. there really isn't a definition for love. People love differently. Money? Characteristics? Dependence on each other to survive? All that bullshit. I hate this.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Vietnamese Tradition

A Vietnamese Tradition

In Vietnam, there are lots of cultural traditions and my parents have brought them over with them. One of them was that, on Chinese New Year's Eve, the first person to enter the door would decide the family's fate or luck for the year. This year, I entered the door. My parents said that the person's characteristics would also pass onto the family. They would always joke about how lazy I am and like to eat fancy food and they said that our family would go bankrupt this year...

Anyways, I remember entering the door one back when I was 9 or something. What's most weird is that in both of the years that I entered the door, my dad crashed the car :S. I'm starting to really have faith in my religion and I'm just glad my dad survived both.

When I do Shaolin, I pray after if I have time, because my mum rushes me. My parents have this view towards me that I'm a bad person, as so some of you may so they don't expect me to pray. I was praying last Sunday and my mum came.. and it was one of those awkward moments.

Anyways, when I grow up and move out, I think I'll be vegetarian. If I do it now, it would be really weird for my family. I hope my family can pass on the traditions, cos if they don't, it will be upcoming generations of forgotten traditions and cultures.

Sunday, April 3, 2011



My parents have been discussing a lot about Vietnam lately and it makes think about it. Anyways.. they said that we're going back to Vietnam at the end of this year. I'm happy, but the thought of visiting Vietnam makes me sad. The people are different and the place I live at has changed. The people who used to hang around me are all weird.. the guys are like all 'baddies' and the most of the girls give me the evils. It's just really weird.. some people have passed out, some have moved away to find jobs it just seems all so.. cruel - the level of poverty and living standards in Vietnam.

Anyways, everytime I go back to Vietnam, it changes dramatically as if it happened all in the blink of an eye. My grandma's place got rebuilt.. so that's going to be different and I don't know what else is different. All I know is.. everything's going to be sort of alien for me everytime I come back. There are some people I don't even know or remember. I don't know if these thoughts and changes make me sad or happy but changes always make me sad. I lived in Vietnam as a little boy, and not being there for these changes is depressing. I feel as if something's missing from me, my home town, my "Quê Hương". Which is probably why I like those traditional Vietnamese songs, because they talk about their true birthplace and how much they treasure it.

While I'm still talking about Vietnam, I would like to share with all of you a truely sad story. There's this woman who lived with her child in Vietnam. Their house was adjacent to my grandma's house. They lived with their friend or grandpa I think, I don't know. Anyways, when the kid was about 5-7, his mum died of stomach cancer. Now, in Vietnam each person gets a proportion of field to farm their own rice and the woman's rice field was given to the grandpa. Sadly, the grandpa didn't want to take care of the kid so he sent it to his mum's grandma. Yes very confusing, simply put it, the man stole the rice and didn't take care of the kid so the kid had to turn to his grandma. The grandma couldn't earn enough to raise the kid, so she gave it away to people who lived near the rivers (the people who lived in like canoes etc). On the night before the kid was given away, the kid ran off, hid and slept in a pile of hay. Noone could find him on that night, but eventually they did find him. After that he was given to the other people. When my parents had gone back to Vietnam last year, we completely forgot about the kid. Noone cared about him or remembered the troubles he went through. My mum cried, my dad felt bad and I sat there, stared and thought to myself the brutality of this world.

That's just part of what I really hate about this world..

Moving on.. I wanna talk about the cross country cheaters. I don't wanna write much.. since it's pretty late but damn those people for cheating. Danny came 2nd cos 'someone' cheated for first place. Wtf. Of all the places, he cheated for first place.. Unbelieveable. What's more, 'someone' wasn't the only one who cheated. Plenty of others. It really takes the hard-put effort that some people who actually tried and didn't cheat. What's more disgusting is that the people who cheated are liked by people. Unbelievable.

This world is truly f'ed up, And then there was a time, when 'another someone' could get told off and shutted the f' up. Now, he's one arrogant dickhead when he does get told off.

I think I'm done. I'm back to copying images of Inuyasha hehe. Posting em up soon hopefully and some cartoons I drew lol. Also, Kelvin and I have big future dreams in the video-making and editing area. Wish us luck. :) Thanks for wasting 15 mins of your life reading this. It means a lot to me and I aim to make people empathise and feel what I feel. Imma stfu now.

Happier now lil girl?

Friday, April 1, 2011

A quote

A quote

An action will only last for the time being.

A memory will last forever.