Sunday, April 17, 2011

Changing Generations

Changing Generations

I'll start off by saying that this generation of teenagers and some of the adults in the previous generation sickens me.

Whenever I go shopping at Cabramatta, I examine the people and the things around me. When I see a husband walking with his wife, the first thing I notice is the way they dress. The Asian husband would be in shorts, with sandles and some old t-shirt. On the other hand, the wife is looking all "pretty" with the artificial make-up, handbags and clothing and don't forget the perfume. Some of them don't even look "pretty" at all. I'm actually scared of the ammount some ladies put make up on themselves. They look like a fucken ghost. And whenever I see this, I always ask myself "What has this world become" and I'm dead serious about that.

My mum has this friend who is married to some lady. They have two daughters. They're about 8 and under. The daughters' mum goes to work and when she finishes work, she comes home. The girls talk to her and she tells them to go away. That lady uses all make-up and stuff to make herself look "pretty". Instead of using money to feed the family and use for family entertainment, she uses the money to invest on a second house plus clothing and make-up for herself. Unbelievable, and from where this is going, I see our generation's gunna be exactly like her and the men I've said before.

The people at our school worry too much about their looks and they have to keep up to date with all these new stuff. They'll most likely shove away their child once their older, even though most might say now that they won't. In fact, some of the people in our grade would focus too much on these stuff to care about starting a family. I really dislike this idea. And all these new stuff is really what makes the definition of "love" hard. It puts new "standards" for love. For example, "Does that girl smell nice", "does she look good with her clothes" etc. Fuck that type of shit. I'm tired of seeing this in my life and assuming that people are like this, and I could say that my assumptions are most-likely to be correct.

It pisses me off to see how complex this world has become. That abstract feeling of "love", is it possible? Or is it all image. No, there is no meaning for love. For me, I will love the girl for as long as she loves me and the feeling that I have for her will be strong. If she falls in love with some other guy in the time we are together then to me, that isn't love. It's different for everyone, but in the end, all I'm saying is our generation is changing and all these new fashion and technologies put new standards to how we fall "attracted" to a person. Now that I've thought of the word "attracted" I think I can say that "attracted" and "love" are two complete different things.

"Love" is in the past, we "Attract" now. I may be some dirty bastard, but when it comes to a girl, I care and some girls just don't see that. I would be willing to change if I did something wrong, and I know I have in the past but I don't get the chance to change that. I think that hurts me the most. And instead of letting me change, they'd just give up etc.

To really sum it all up, FUCK THIS GENERATION. FUCK THE PEOPLE IN MY GRADE. Do you belong in the above descriptions? If so, the swear words are for you and I won't take it back no matter what. And that is why life in Vietnam would be so much more simple.

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