Saturday, April 23, 2011

My state

My state

I am in a situation where I am mentally unstable. What I know is sad... and it's not the drama with Kelvin. The word I've said with the drama with Kelvin, I do not take it back and I assure everyone I know what I'm talking about :). I am as certain as everything on this blog is.

Anyways, from some other stuff Kelvin told me.. I don't know how to feel or what to feel. I'm so sad. Nowadays, I sleep at 12, thinking all the way up till then. Today I slept at 1am and woke up at 4am. A record.. *sigh*

"Look outside, full moon" I only got to say that once.

Well it's not like anyone cares now after what's happened. I don't care. If you're a friend of my friend, I'm your friend.

On a side note, do you know that feeling when you hold the hand of an opposite sex? Say if you were blindfolded and were given two hands, you'd first of all, might notice the structure of the hands and know which gender it belongs to. But secondly, you get this weird feeling.. some 'chemistry'. While I was editing this, the sun seemed to rise. I think maybe tomorrow if I can't sleep I'll wake up and see the sun rise. My mum gets up really early so it might be awkward..

New song too. Vietnamese. If you'd like to listen, you can find it on the right side of this page. The 'Download' button is very small (located at the bottom left corner of the icon or w/e lol)


Anh Sẽ về - I'll come back

Bao buồn vui có nhau ngày qua - The fun we've had together in the days that past
Mình đã yêu nhau nhiều hơn anh nghĩ - I think we love each other more
Hãy luôn luôn thật vui để mai khi rời xa - Keeping it for when we are apart
Mình cảm nhận được tình yêu ở hai nơi. - To help us accept that we are apart

Anh chờ mong tháng năm dần trôi - I long for the months to past
Để quay về và mình yêu nhau mãi - to return to you
Nhớ êm đềm từng đêm nụ hôn lúc ta xa nhau - I think about you each night from the day we are apart
Vẫn còn mặn nồng trên khóe môi. - I can still taste it on my lips?

Hãy cho anh thời gian nhé - Give me time
Hãy cho anh vòng tay ấm - Give me your warm hands
Hãy để anh nhận ra em yêu anh rất nhiều - Let me understand that you love me a lot
Sẽ giữ mãi những gì mình đã hứa - I'll keep the promises we've made
Hãy để thời gian mãi trôi. - Let the times past

Hãy cho anh thời gian nhé
Để mai sau cùng chung bước
Hãy để những yêu thương sẽ bên nhau chẳng rời
Có đôi lúc nhớ anh buồn em khóc
Em yêu ai hay chờ ai?
Anh sẽ về thôi!

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