Sunday, April 3, 2011



My parents have been discussing a lot about Vietnam lately and it makes think about it. Anyways.. they said that we're going back to Vietnam at the end of this year. I'm happy, but the thought of visiting Vietnam makes me sad. The people are different and the place I live at has changed. The people who used to hang around me are all weird.. the guys are like all 'baddies' and the most of the girls give me the evils. It's just really weird.. some people have passed out, some have moved away to find jobs it just seems all so.. cruel - the level of poverty and living standards in Vietnam.

Anyways, everytime I go back to Vietnam, it changes dramatically as if it happened all in the blink of an eye. My grandma's place got rebuilt.. so that's going to be different and I don't know what else is different. All I know is.. everything's going to be sort of alien for me everytime I come back. There are some people I don't even know or remember. I don't know if these thoughts and changes make me sad or happy but changes always make me sad. I lived in Vietnam as a little boy, and not being there for these changes is depressing. I feel as if something's missing from me, my home town, my "Quê Hương". Which is probably why I like those traditional Vietnamese songs, because they talk about their true birthplace and how much they treasure it.

While I'm still talking about Vietnam, I would like to share with all of you a truely sad story. There's this woman who lived with her child in Vietnam. Their house was adjacent to my grandma's house. They lived with their friend or grandpa I think, I don't know. Anyways, when the kid was about 5-7, his mum died of stomach cancer. Now, in Vietnam each person gets a proportion of field to farm their own rice and the woman's rice field was given to the grandpa. Sadly, the grandpa didn't want to take care of the kid so he sent it to his mum's grandma. Yes very confusing, simply put it, the man stole the rice and didn't take care of the kid so the kid had to turn to his grandma. The grandma couldn't earn enough to raise the kid, so she gave it away to people who lived near the rivers (the people who lived in like canoes etc). On the night before the kid was given away, the kid ran off, hid and slept in a pile of hay. Noone could find him on that night, but eventually they did find him. After that he was given to the other people. When my parents had gone back to Vietnam last year, we completely forgot about the kid. Noone cared about him or remembered the troubles he went through. My mum cried, my dad felt bad and I sat there, stared and thought to myself the brutality of this world.

That's just part of what I really hate about this world..

Moving on.. I wanna talk about the cross country cheaters. I don't wanna write much.. since it's pretty late but damn those people for cheating. Danny came 2nd cos 'someone' cheated for first place. Wtf. Of all the places, he cheated for first place.. Unbelieveable. What's more, 'someone' wasn't the only one who cheated. Plenty of others. It really takes the hard-put effort that some people who actually tried and didn't cheat. What's more disgusting is that the people who cheated are liked by people. Unbelievable.

This world is truly f'ed up, And then there was a time, when 'another someone' could get told off and shutted the f' up. Now, he's one arrogant dickhead when he does get told off.

I think I'm done. I'm back to copying images of Inuyasha hehe. Posting em up soon hopefully and some cartoons I drew lol. Also, Kelvin and I have big future dreams in the video-making and editing area. Wish us luck. :) Thanks for wasting 15 mins of your life reading this. It means a lot to me and I aim to make people empathise and feel what I feel. Imma stfu now.

Happier now lil girl?

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