Monday, April 4, 2011

A Vietnamese Tradition

A Vietnamese Tradition

In Vietnam, there are lots of cultural traditions and my parents have brought them over with them. One of them was that, on Chinese New Year's Eve, the first person to enter the door would decide the family's fate or luck for the year. This year, I entered the door. My parents said that the person's characteristics would also pass onto the family. They would always joke about how lazy I am and like to eat fancy food and they said that our family would go bankrupt this year...

Anyways, I remember entering the door one back when I was 9 or something. What's most weird is that in both of the years that I entered the door, my dad crashed the car :S. I'm starting to really have faith in my religion and I'm just glad my dad survived both.

When I do Shaolin, I pray after if I have time, because my mum rushes me. My parents have this view towards me that I'm a bad person, as so some of you may so they don't expect me to pray. I was praying last Sunday and my mum came.. and it was one of those awkward moments.

Anyways, when I grow up and move out, I think I'll be vegetarian. If I do it now, it would be really weird for my family. I hope my family can pass on the traditions, cos if they don't, it will be upcoming generations of forgotten traditions and cultures.

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