Friday, December 31, 2010

Another Year...

Another Year...

Well, there goes another year..

I think the pressure's building up quite rapidly. I'm already worried about year 12..

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hạnh Phúc Nhé - Tùng Anh

Hạnh Phúc Nhé - Tùng Anh

New song. It can be found on the right side of this blog too. Not mine.

Đóng góp:

Bàn tay anh thấy giá lạnh.khi em nói câu biệt ly
Vòng tay anh ôm rất chặt.nhưng em vẫn bước ra đi

Nhìn qua gương thấy bón hình.em cứ xa dần xa
Chợt nhận ra em đi mất rồi.giờ một mình lẽ loi

Em giờ đây…không còn là ngày xưa
Một người đã đã rất yêu anh
Anh nhìn em ra đi.lệ rợi trên mi sầu úa


Ở bên người mà em chọn nhé.anh sẽ nguyên cầu cho em từng phút
Những kỉ niệm ngày xưa đã rất ngọt ngào.
Chỉ riêng mình anh khắc sâu

Ở bên người ta vui em nhé.đừng buồn như bên anh lúc trước
Nếu mai này gặp nhau
Anh muốn thấy nụ cười,muốn thấy một người anh đã yêu
Thật hạnh phúc…!!!

That's the link to the music video. Sad song once again, and it made me wonder....
Translation can be done if requested.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Asian Folklore

Asian Folklore

I remember in year 5 when I had read this book with all these Asian folktales. It was mainly Chinese ones I believe and they were so good. Today, when I was out eating I sat there and remembered one of the stories. It goes....

There once was a plumber and his beautiful wife. They were very poor and so one day, the plumber told his wife that she had deserved a better man. With much decision, they decided that it was best that they had parted.

A few months later, the plumber was called up to fix up some things for a house. Upon reaching the house, he saw the houseowner: a woman, whose husband was working. That woman was his wife, but things had changed so much that he could not recognise her. She recognised him though. When the plumber was at his work, the lady (his wife) had packed him some breads, and inside each bread she had placed some gold. She had hoped for the best to him. When the man had finished, he took the bread and thanked her.

The plumber was hungry, so he walked to a bar or something to eat. He sat next to another poor man. The poor man asked for something to eat. Realising that he had the bread that the lady had given him before, he gave the poor man some. The poor man ate it and noticed that there was gold in it. Realising this, he offered some silver coins to trade for the bread. The plumber thought that the coins were worth more and so he traded it.

After that, I don't remember what happened but that part was near the end.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Today :)


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Breath - Inuyasha AMV

Breath - Inuyasha AMV

None of these are mine and I do not own the song or the video. Copy right goes to the owners.

This song reminds me of my year 5, when I first made Bebo. I loved Inuyasha so much and this song made an AMV I found so touching. This wasn't the exact video, but I think it's just as good.



Yeah she was right.. curiosity does kill the cat. But I want to fulfill my curiosity by learning and knowing. The things I learn, I need to know. But she's right.. it does hurt to find out that people do things behind your back. I'll just leave it as that so people do not know what I'm talking about in specific.

One-time Anemsia right now would be nice. Memories hurt, and knowing what happened behind me hurts. But I wonder if I really know what I'm asking for..

Edited at 6pm

And then my mum made me some chicken wings around this time.. I ate them.. sitting there at times and stared so blankly. My sister thought I had a stomach ache..

I've lost my appetite for food and I wanna tell my mum that I don't want to eat.. She won't be happy..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Read my blog if you care or are interested. If you're reading it just cos you're bored. Please leave. On the same note, I really hate it when people talk to me on MSN because they're bored. I talk to get to know that person or have fun, even if it's on MSN. Again, if you're reading this and talk to me in the future cos you have the intention of overcoming boredom. Please don't do it. That word 'intention' in the previous sentence is really important. I'm not some Facebook or w/e shit you people do to overcome boredom.

Before I begin this post, I'd just like to point out the idea that Engrish is stupid :). Using the below example, can I not conclude that english is stupid?

'Stupid idiot'.

I use that term alot, and it does make me look stupid myself. Why? Simple, an idiot is someone stupid. So by saying stupid I'm just restating the facts. Some english teacher may say that this is improper grammar and shit. But if it were to be used in a famous poem, bullshit would be made up such as 'The author uses the term stupid to emphasise the fact that the described character is an idiot'. Get my idea?

Now for the real thing.


Currently, my wish is to lose all my feelings. I've considered it too many times.

Love, I get hurt. Hate, I hurt others. Cry, what's there to cry for when things keep changing and won't change back. Empathy, empathise for those kids in the 3rd World Countries. Yes.. but sometimes I ask why. This world is so stupid and the least I ask for now is to lose my feelings.

Feeleings hurt. Love hurts you or the other person. Hate, you hurt their feelings or lead to anger. Cry, what am I really crying for? Time won't give me back what I want. Feel sorry for those kids? What can I do about it? No I can't be fucked to raise some stupid thing. Leave that to the other dib shits. And sometimes I dream about being rich so I can help these kids out. But you know.. money is evil that it can change someone's path itself. I'd never know.

Really.. fuck feelings. I hate them.

And for those who are reading.. Today, I was teaching my sister. As her usualy self, she would forget EVERYTHING within a minute. Normally, I'd scream at her.. But I was just so pissed that I slapped.... I slapped myself so hard right across the face. And I felt like banging my head somewhere -sigh-

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It seems

It seems...

I'm mentioned a few times in this blogger about the time i started to view this world so badly at year 5 or 6.. But today when my mum was talking about my grandma being in hospital and having not long to live, i realised back in year 3 or 4 i had already started.

Back in year 3 or 4, I couldn't sleep or get nightmares that my loved ones would die soon. I realised at that time at how fast time goes. At that time, I had already looked back and saw how time flew so quickly when you realise your existence. As a baby, you don't know you exist. But by the time you're 4, it just hits you that you're alive. For me, I had to realise the cruelty of life by year 3 or 4, after realising my existence at 4 of course.

I looked back and I saw that it's been 3-4 years since I came to Australia and it's been so fast.

My mum said today at the table 'As the daughter, I would do anything to keep my parents alive, but their time will always come'. Something like that. And she's right.. Time's something I can't stop. Change is something I can't. Silvery hairs are things I can't stop. Wrinkly skin can't be stopped. I'm just repeating things too much but it's true.

Up till year 8, everything was still fun. Now it gets all serious and stuff. But I'm not doing so well.

It may be irrelevant but I thinking of this stuff reminds me of the time I used to catch dragonflies in Vietnam with my cousin. I was really good at it and I'd never harm them. And then there was the time I saw the silkworm moths and they were so beautiful. And we humans are just so cruel. I hate us so much.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Kimberly. :) Something I should have done last year. I made this blog on the 11/2/09 so xD.

End of post. Wish you enjoyed your day. :)

And. I'm sorry ^^

Monday, November 1, 2010


Oh rain.. why cry with me..

I look back sometimes, and saw all the mistakes I've made.. but perhaps I've halted today and realised such a fool I am. It seems as if I would only learn if I was to be through pain. For so many times, I'd fail things and just say 'Oh well'. I don't meet the expectations I make for myself, yet I never try when trying to set out these expectations. Damn myself..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I remember..

I remember..

I remember the GoldenCircle ads I saw when I was at the age of 5. I told my parents I wanted to be a farmer.Today, I realised that I was wrong. It wasn't the fact that I wanted to be a farmer, but it was the sunset and the nature that I saw in that ad.

Thanks Kimberly for pointing out that it's GoldenCircle lol. There goes my memory :L, not as good as I thought it was.

I remember..
I might have mentioned it already but when I was four or something, my grandpa died. I only remember holding onto my grandma's hands tightly and watching these men take the coffin. I was clueless but seeing my grandma cried, I cried.

A few days or weeks before my grandpa had died. I remember, I woke up one morning to see my mum down at the kitchen area. It was like five in the morning (Usually I wake up at six to prepare for school). I woke up to see my mum cooking, and I went to my grandpa's room. He was lying oh so sickly. I'm not sure if this memory was another, but I remember seeing my grandpa lying there but I had no clue.

And now, my grandma on my mum's side is at the hospital getting an operation. Best of luck to her, not that my luck is any good.

When I listen..

The more I listen to some songs, especially the Vietnamese ones, the more I'd translate it and understand it. Sometimes translations that I don't know pop into my hand. And the more I listen, the more I understand and I begin to feel sad. Whilst listening to music.. I sat there and rested my head on my scrap book. I used my felt tip pen and made dots around an area. Strangely, the dots formed a love heart..

Friday, October 1, 2010

Suy Nghĩ Trong Anh

Suy Nghĩ Trong Anh

Another mad Vietnamese song, and I've uploaded on the right side of this Blogger a few days ago. Lyrics :D and translated if requested. These words are a bit complicated for me lol.

Cứ qua thêm một ngày mới biết thế nào là yêu
Một ngày trôi qua vội vã nhưng trong anh rất nhiều điều
Những suy nghĩ trong anh cứ lớn lên từng phút
Cứ lớn theo từng ngày khi anh được ấm áp bên em
Những suy nghĩ trong anh, giờ đang chia làm hai
Một nửa trong anh từng nghĩ chúng ta sẽ bên nhau trọn đời
Nhưng nếu lỡ một ngày, em nói lời chia tay
Anh sẽ thế nào đây? Anh sống thế nào đây?

Hãy để cho anh được yêu, yêu em trong từng suy nghĩ
Dù là tưởng tượng thôi nhưng anh cũng thấy vui rồi
Đừng nói chi em ơi, tình yêu không cần nói
Chỉ cần cảm nhận thôi anh nghĩ cũng đủ rồi
Nhiều khi anh từng mơ, ngồi một mình cười ngẩn ngơ
Chúng ta sẽ được sống trong ngôi nhà đầy trẻ thơ
Có khó không em ơi, nếu giấc mơ này xa xôi
Thì anh xin được giữ giấc mơ đó
Ở trong suy nghĩ anh mà thôi

Thursday, September 30, 2010



'On April 7, 2010, AOL announced that they were planning to sell the website or shut it down.[17] This was mainly due to the falling numbers of unique users, Bebo users were moving to the growing Facebook and to Twitter.'

I read this on Wikipedia about Bebo.

I decided today to go back on Bebo to look at some year 7 and some year 8 memories.. I've gotta say, Bebo's still an important part of me. I log on sometimes to read the old messages, the people who gave themself 'Love' using their own accounts. So funny.. Good old times, but time passes and things change. I made my Bebo in year 5, and I slowly grew it with all these pictures. What hurt me mostly was the fact that it was sold to another company. Today after trying to log in, well, I couldn't.. This new server was just horrible. It saddens me. Pictures were left back in Bebo and I wanted to look over them quickly. Comments were left back in Bebo. Memories were left back in Bebo. 'Love' was left back in Bebo lol.

And I can only say, there is something about Facebook that's missing. I can't really explain it, but I seriously miss the old times back in Bebo. Then people started shifting to darn Facebook. I could say though, everything was running quite smoothly back when Bebo was popular :). Now it's a rough road, probably cos everything that's happened to me and the growing up part of it.

All I wish is just to log onto Bebo frequently, and perhaps the next time I'm able to.. Imma get some pictures while I'm at it. :D. Happy times.... don't last xD

Oh, and since i'm on this topic, I suppose I can link it to 'Adapting' cos as time changes, people change and this will create a change of others to change and adapt to what has changed if that makes any sense.

You see, I think that the way people change and adapt into their new environment is a part of the brain to survive. Get what I mean? When you've moved on from primary school into high school, you'd be expected to be more mature and different. You could even say that you feel different the moment you step inside those new gates. And this is perhaps a part of this adapting. You adapt into the environment so that you can become accepted, and this is pretty much what everyone wants. This is probably because this adapting helps them get by their days cos like they say, time flys by when you're having fun.

It's quite agreeable that the people in Macquarie Fields High School, of my year, have noticed the changes in the past 3 years. People changing from Bebo to Facebook is another example. It may have started with one person, and then two, and then three and then people begin to change and adapt to it so then they can get their days past.

And then there's the evil side of this changing and adapting where a person uses another person. Whether some of you might notice or not, there is an unnoticable ranking of fame in our schools. Some of us may not care but it is evident that we live in it. Again, we may not notice it when we use someone to get into a higher rank of this 'fame'. And people do change....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mind & Heart

Mind & Heart

Holidays are so boring.. I prefer school :D. Just the thought of the world holiday reminds me of the bloody assignments...

On topic.

'Oh ribcage, you protect my heart from physical damage. I thank you, but why can't you protect me from emotional damage.'

My skull protects my mind, my ribcage protects my heart. There's a barrier between the two yet, at times they come together to share the same feelings. Right now though, mine are at war with each other. Such conflict leaves me so confused. As long as these two are here, I cannot make clear decisions.

I choose the path that my mind takes, but as long as there is my heart things are so hard.

Quite strangely though, the more I think about what I say above, the more I find it rubbish. This is all so rubbish.. so confused. I don't really know what I'm writing. Usually, when I post something, I add in a touch of my feelings. I'm guessing the feeling right now is confusion, but even I don't understand or feel it. Wtf is wrong with me..

Обои на рабочий стол. Radiant

These leaves are so free.. free from emotions..

Обои на рабочий стол. Kiss

I envy these creatures :L. They're free when they want and ....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Poem On Time

Poem On Time

Lol, an attempt to create a poem like Shakespeare's sonnets. I don't know how to write in Old English so this will have to do. This poem runs around Shakespeare's ideas on Time too I guess?

Death, you may be powerful, for you are infamous
For instilling fear, and worrying the healthy.
You separate the ones in love and you show no mercy.
But, like a drop of water from a beach,
You are only a droplet of the Black Sea called Time.
Time as whole kills whatever that swims;
It rots the strong and creates Death,
It turns the beautiful into the ugly and creates Death.
You can try to resist Time's endless tides,
But that's like man denying themselves ever wrong.
So what can I say against the tides of Time?
Breed, so your offspring may swim on for you.
And when this happens, even the waves can't stop you
Your offspring will be another you, except, new.

Each line of the Sonnet is quite long :/. Need to improve heaps ><.

Since I'm still on the topic I'd like to talk about poems.

As I've written before in my 'The shitness of Engrish', how Poems and literacy works become famous is quite ridiculous; but I won't be discussing much of that in this post.

When reading a poem, I think that the 'professionals' that have the ability to make a poem famous looks mainly into imagery and how successfully a poet presents it in his work. Well, this is what I believe the pros do. To me though, I look at a 'good' poem in a different way. In fact though, I think most of the poems I've read are quite good. To me, I don't think that it is the imagery that makes the poem. My English teacher says 'Show instead of tell'. I believe that a good poem will be able to evoke emotions. And it is the basis of the emotions that imagery is created. That's why different people think of a poem differently I guess, whether it is good or not. For example, this random poet writes a poem about his girlfriend. He writes about how she smiles and the things he like about her. You see, a happy person may look at it and be even more happy? Whereas a sad person, that could possibly had broken up with his girlfriend or something look at it differently. He might remember of her smile and start to feel even more sad. As for a person who doesn't have a girlfriend, he might think of the girl he likes.

What I'm really saying is, Imagery starts off with emotions. You may feel particularly happy or sad about a poem and then it starts you to imagine and begin to think.

Monday, September 20, 2010

More Poems

More Poems

When Nature Wakes

There’s a time when all life
Is thought to have slumbered,
A time when Destruction rests.
It is a time when Nature opens possibilities
For the animals that smiles cheerfully
As they chatter and play,
And for the flowers that stand
Like the flocks of peacocks,
As they open themselves for
The dances that many breeze offers
And the nourishment the Mother provides.
It is the time when the clouds are at rest,
And the scorching heat cools.
It is the time when silvery rays,
And the millions of eyes
Look down onto Nature’s liveliness
Destruction will wake.

William Shakespeare's Sonnet 35

No more at that which thou hast done.
Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud;
Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,
And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.
All men faults, and even I in this,
Authorizing thy trespass with compare,
Myself corrupting, salving thy amiss,
Ecusing these sins more than these sins are.
For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense-
Thy adverse party is thy advocate-
And 'gainst myself a lawful plea commence.
Such civil war s in my love and hate
That I an accessory needs must be
To that sweet thief which sourly robs from me.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Moon Festival

Moon Festival

How boring.. today was moon festival and I didn't go out with anyone. Probably invite some friends in a year or two when I start a part time job.

Any way, today I was in Cabramatta today with my whole family for four bloody long hours. I only went in the first place for the Yum Cha.. which really sucked xD.

What this post really made me circle around is some pretty whacko thoughts which will be written here.

So I was walking down at Cabramatta, looking around and then there's all these people, especially girls. Lol. Yes girls, I check them out, but something strange quite hit me. The clothing that these girls wear. It looks all posh and expensive. Everything's changed, but especially for a guy like me coming from Vietnam, seeing all these girls dress like this.. it's quite weird. This isn't my first time though, I have been thinking of it for quite some time. And then I imagined the future where these sorts of girls are everywhere. And then this crazy idea came to me that I'll never really fall in love with another person again. So weird.. but I'm quite for it.

And then we got to this fairy floss shop. My sister wanted some, and then I started thinking about the times back in Vietnam when I was three-five. It's quite weird how these memories vaguely stay in my head. What quite struck me was how the fairy floss tasted and I could only say to myself 'The sweet sensation of fairy floss isn't just the same here'. It's true. I remember once, in front of a temple, it was a festival; perhaps the moon festival. There was a fairy floss machine there. I asked the man for one and he started spinning some fairy floss around a stick. He gave it to me and I could imagine taking a big bite. The fairy floss would melt instantly in my mouth no matter how much I ate. Here, when I take big bites, these sugary solids remain and I found it quite annoying. That made me remember of the festival back in Vietnam, which I miss so much now...... And then there was another time, when there was another festival. I was in front of this temple-like place leaning against this giant tree looking around for my friends and cousin, but there was none. Today, when I go back to Vietnam and ride my back past that place, I remember that day. This place is vacant too, but these memories just cling on so well and they make me miss my childhood......

Thinking of my past and mentioning love before, I come to this. I don't know if I've ever mentioned about a girl I 'liked?' back when I was 5. Yes I was 5, and I don't know if it was love or something.. Today I can only 'meh' at it. Nevertheless, I continue to miss my childhood though. Before coming over here to Australia, my last few memories were of her, and the day I hugged my grandma. The memory of her was the day I was walking home from a school (yes, 5 year olds back in Vietnam had to walk back home alone), usually I'd race her, although she lived a bit further up. But on that day, something really special happened. We smiled at each other. I can't really remember the smile, but I remember that we smiled at each other. But as a kid, I didn't really think of love, only like. And at that same moment, I didn't think of any of that. I could only think where she was. Lol. It was weird. What's more weird is, how am I remembering what I thought when I was a 5 year old. Believe me or not, your choice.

I started looking at life in such a weird manner, that by the moment I had reached this newsagency, I felt confused. I told my dad before that I wanted to go Shaolin again, which I am going to next week. I find it especially hard to say hi to my teacher and if he asks what I've been doing :/. I feel really bad.. And then I bought a maths textbook lol. It costed 30 dollars and my dad said I should try to finish it, so I should probably do what he wants. And then the last crazy idea had was deleting my games, which in fact I did. I deleted them and emptied the recycling bin. All I can think right now is 'meh', and I'm asking myself 'what the hell am I doing'.

One last thing, because I mentioned posh before I'd like to bring this in into this post too. I've seen some people say that my hair is tb, and I really don't give a shit. To be honest, my intention for what hairstyle I wanted started when I was in year 4. I saw this emo guy on the net and I liked his hair. It's not just that but at around this time, I started liking girls and telling myself I had no chance and started feeling bad. I don't really mind if my hair covered both my eyes, I could imagine myself looking freaky. I could live with that, but my parents can't. Lol. So you see, my hair was used to begin the expression of my emoness but because society has evolved, it's taken differently. I see the majority of guys using gel but there's something about it that irritates me. And it's probably today I generalise that guys using gel > guys without gel. It's pretty stupid and I tell myself not to take it like that so no worreh :D.

Now that I've deleted my games though, I guess more studying and other stuff I guess. The last time I said I quit gaming I came back to it lol. I don't know what happens. I'll keep walking down this stupid road and see for myself xD

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Gladness of Nature

The Gladness of Nature - William Cullan Bryant

This wasn't the poem I was talking about but it's quite simiar.

Is this a time to be cloudy and sad,
When our mother Nature laughs around;
When even the deep blue heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from the blossoming ground?

There are notes of joy from the hang-bird and wren,
And the gossip of swallows through all the sky;
The ground squirrel gaily chirps by his den,
And the wilding bee hums merrily by.

The clouds are at play in the azure space,
And their shadows at play on the bright green vale,
And here they stretch to the frolic chase,
And there they roll on the easy gale.

There's a dance of leaves in that aspen bowen,
There's a titter of winds in that beechen tree,
There's a smile on the fruti, and a smile on the flower,
And a laugh from the brook that runs to the sea.

And look at the broad-faced sun, how he smiles
On the dewy earth that smiles in his ray,
On the leaping waters and gay young isles;
Ay, look, and he'll smile the gloom away.

This poem doesn't talk about rain, but at least it talks about 'The Gladness of Nature'.

Sunday, September 12, 2010



As part of this post, I will firstly state 'Is it humans that are cruel to this world, or is it the other way around'. Some of us live happily in a well built society whereas others suffer. Right now, I believe more that we are cruel to the world, and the world reflects on us of what we do to it. Like I've said before in my other posts, we've molded this world. We are now playing god of our own world.

But how is the paragraph above relevant to this post?
Hint: The part where I talked about how others suffer in other parts of the world.

At times, my parents give me lectures and tell me stories of the poor people out there who do so well in education etc. Even though they do well, money's a problem in this world, and even if someone studies well, even money is required. Quite saddenning. I've read this article in my english tutor once and it said something like, 'a person is born into the same class as his or her family'. In life, we have a class system, as in the rich, the middle or the poor etc (or something like that). If you were born into the rich, you'd most likely be rich in the end. if you were born into poor, you'd likely to be poor. But the article also stated that, to get out of the lower classes, education is the way. But for education, you need money and in some countries like Vietnam especially (cos my parents tell me a lot of stories back there), you may be smart, but you'd need money. See how cruel this world is... so in the end, for some people, even being smart will not help them move up in life.

A story or two that my parents told me;
There's this kid who lives with his mum. Each morning, he'd wake up at 4am and buy some pig parts such as skin and stuff for his noodles shop. He would buy it and go home and scrape off the hair/fur of the pig's skin. Then he would study. THen he would go to school. His mum would sell noodles while he's gone. That's all my parents told me, but... the kid lived in a 8m squared house or something. The kid said that 'In the summers, when I study, it gets really hot because of the size of my house' (well something like that, only cos I translated it). It's quite saddening, and when my parents tell me these type of stories, my dad's eyes would turn red as if he was about to cry. Such a man is affected by this simple stuff that happens on the other side of this country.

Another story was about this guy who studied really well, but then as I mentioned before, money was a problem. He was very smart but money was a problem. Because of money, he couldn't become a doctor. Instead, he had to take some other cheap alternative study that costed less money and required less time to complete. He said that he didn't have the money to study to become a doctor and that he took the alternative so that he could help his mum in a shorter time in the future.

My mum knows these three ladies but they are from different stories.

The first two of the three are sisters. They are quite.. large and again, poor and they've just recently moved into Australia. The words that come out of their mouth are so sweet though, so my mum gave em one of our old TVs to help them out the least (yes, they did not have a TV). One of the ladies said something to my mum like 'you are so nice to us, in this country, I only have my sis because noone likes us cos we're... fat'. I don't like the term fat, but I'd go with large or some sort of mocking word, but fat is just isn't my word. Once again, money is such a worry and a problem. What cruel humans.

Final story, the third lady. The third lady, in her 50s and near 60s, goes to work but she tells my mum about how slow she is and the boss sometimes tell her to 'go home' (is that allowed??). So each time she is told to 'go home' she would sit somewhere around the workplace and cry. It doesn't seem that sad until I mention how she has a son. In a way, they are trying to move into the higher rich classes in life, and her son is her only chance left, so with most of her earnings she would spend it so he could go tutor. And with the words of a parent she says 'I don't care if you don't become rich and can't help me in the future. I just want you to remember me'. How sweet.. I feel so sorry for her, and she's still in her 50s and working to help her son move up in life. Cruel humans and such cruel society.

So why did I mention these stores? Well, it's quite saddenning and I guess I'd conclude that it is humans that are cruel to this world. The world just reflects on what we do. To go up in life, you'd need education, but for education, you'd need some money.

In the end, I call this post Sympathy, cos I guess that I feel sorry towards things quite easily and I guess I get it from my parents..

Human Cloning

Human Cloning

The other day when I was at tutor, we were doing some english work on letter to the editor. Well, you might have guessed it by now but the topic was about 'Human Cloning'. I don't know about others, but I am compeltely against human cloning. It kills the whole point of being humans, and if you ever do have any GOOD REASONS FOR HUMAN CLONING, then please do tell me somehow and I would like to consider it.

There were eight letters to the editor that we looked at at tutor and of them, about 3 are FOR human cloning. The reason I'm posting up some of these letters is because you may agree upon it, but I'd like to point out the serious flaws of these letters. Nevertheless, this topic is, undeniably, interesting. All names of thse letters are unknown and it's from Part Two: Reading Texts. 24 Human Cloning.

First letter of the three.

'What's all the fuss? There is no good reason not to clone. Most arguments against it are based on wishy-washy feelings that it is in some way unnatural, or ridiculous fears that will lead to another Hitler taking over the world with an army of identical super-beings. What rubbish! Cloning technology will open up tremendous opportunities for the sick and for those unfortunate people who cannot have children by normal means. Let's not allow stupid fears and anxieties to stop progress.'

I've gotta say to this one, anything touched by humans is classified as unnatural. As for fears, Hitler attempted to take over the world once and at that time that was hard to believe. What makes it any harder to believe now, especially if cloning humans would be possible. As for 'Cloning technology will open up tremendous opportunities for the sick and for those unforunate people who cannot have children by normal means.', when this person was talking abot the sick and the unfortunate, did he/she ever thought about the sick and the unfortunate? I'm talking about the poor people out there in the third world countries etc. How will human cloning really benefit society? I'm not so sure myself of the costs, but I can imagine it to be quite dear.
As for the unfortunate people who can't have children, how can't they have children? Need to be specific. It's quite vague for me at the moment.

Next letter

'It took a lot of time for the world to get used to the idea of a cloned animal, and despite Dolly's cute and appealing looks, we did not immediately accept her. We saw her as a freak. Now we are sad she is gone. But at the same time we are having trouble getting used to the idea that someone might have cloned a human being. In a couple of years we will have accepted that too. We treat new things with suspicion at first. But eventually we adjust. It's time we accepted cloning, and let the scientists get on with finding out its potential for the human race.'

Well, this letter is quite correct at some points. The whole letter surrounds the idea that we slowly accept and adjust new things such as a new person to school, and realise his/her potential. At the same time, this is the flaw there. Using the example of a new person coming to school, we adjust and accept that person slowly only to finally realise his/her true potential i.e. some sick bastard etc. What I'm really saying is, adjust and accept something and it could turn its back on us and stab us. So really, we're playing by chances but I'd still go against human cloning.

Last letter and possibly the most stupid one.

'Most arguments against cloning are weak. For example, people say it is unnatural, but nature creates clones all the time - as identical twins. They also say that cloning will be used for the wrong reasons - e.g. to create a child with movie-star looks or the musical talent of a Beethoven. But this is highly unlikely. Most parents would only consider cloning for extreme situations, for example, to replace a child who dies or to avoid a disease. We must not let these silly arguments dominate discussion. It is time to get serious, and examine how and when we might make use of cloning for the good of humankind.'

Alright most stupid letter, how the hell does 'for example, people say it is unnatural, but nature creates clones all the time' work? The person states unnatural and nature at the same time, and I guess he/she told him/herself off. There's the big bloody difference. Identical twins made by nature is natural. Clones/whatever made by humans is unnatural. Get the idea?

'They also say that cloning will be used for the wrong reasons - e.g. to ceate a child with movie-star looks or the musical talent of a Beethoven'. Well who knows? Who really asked this person to speak for the whole world. Soon, we'll be seeing clones in McDonald's doing work. Why? Cos it's cheaper :). Over the century, humans have tried to find cheap alternatives, so why not now? There goes millions of jobs (if cloning ever comes into society).

'Most parents would only consider cloning for extreme situations, for example, to replace a child who dies or to avoid a disease.'. I cannot completely agree with this. The avoiding the disease is agreeable, cos hereditary diseases can be a curse for generations of the family. But the first part of what this person said is utterly stupid. 'replace a child who dies'. How can you REPLACE a child who dies? What are they? Toys? Cards? Get what I'm saying? You could clone a child, but you know, deep down YOU WILL KNOW that it wasn't the child that first came up, and that sort of guilty feeling WILL hang around.

That's enough of my ranting. Like I said before, if you do have ano Pros for human cloning, please do state it. Otherwise, I believe that the cons of human cloning overweighs that of the pros about 1million times :).

Friday, September 10, 2010


Poems can be so... beautiful..?

The Weeping Willow

In the rain,
In sorrow and in pain,
A small child,
Cries in the rain…
The small child hides,
Under a tree,
So no one can see him,
Crying in the rain…
Then he sees the tree,
And sees it weep,
It is a Weeping Willow,
Crying in the rain…
The rain still pours,
But the child does not weep.
However, the willow is still
Crying in the rain…
This poem [...]

The above is not mine, I got it from here

Now for mine (Haikus, although I believe they can be improved if they were Cinquains instead).

The Nights

The breeze is so light..
Lie down, look up. What a sight..
Countless eyes at night..

Dripping Lonely

It drips... drips... drips... drips.....
The tap in the empty house.
Drip... Drip... Drip... Drip....... Drip.


With time, there's nothing.
Cos with time, there will be love,
but love cannot last.

Rain (I might have heard this poem somewhere before. Someone tell me what it is if I'm correct. For now, I do not say that it is mine).

Free Verses

When rain comes,
The people run, the people ditch.
Horror, sorrow, destruction.
We don't embrace it, but nature does
For when there's rain;
Animals come out and embrace it.
For when there's rain;
Colours flourish this land.
What we don't see;
More smiles than ever.

Memories of a child

There was a building;
Where memories of laughter,
Where memories of tears
But now it's vacant,
Yet, it stands quite firmly
Like my memories

Memories of a child....

For those who've read my earlier posts on this blog, I've said something about an old dilapidated building where I used to go as a daycare thing. I dedicate this poem to that building.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time, Time, Time

Time, Time, Time

Why do simple things such as a video touch me so much. I'd like to thank Vi for showing me this Video :).

Well, the title of this post probably says it all 'Time, Time, Time'. 'Time' turns the beautiful into the ugly, destroy the living and bring grief to what's left. For some though, the powers of 'Time' cannot destroy love.

This video has made me think that I should make the best of my childhood and stop giving much of a crap about what's happening around the world. But it's just a video; another one of those videos with a happy ending.

But I do emphasize how life goes by so quickly.. and one day, I might actually be this old man going to a beach, looking back at my life...

And then there was the first day of Spring. I don't know whether I should have been glad or not. It's Spring. And then Summer. And then new year.. already... Another year's gunna be gone and we'll all be year 10.. and then 11.. and then 12.

'Leaving our school'

'Leaving our school'

*Sigh* I think it's time to bring this into my blog. I don't get why people leave for other schools. I don't care if parents force, yet why are parents stupid enough to force? Lets really look at it. When schooling, about 80% of it is up to you. The teacher is there to guide you and help you. Therefore the 10% makes up that. What about the remaining 10%? That's other factors, but mainly friends. Yes, friends are important in your life and a change in friends can change a person physically and/or mentally. If you want to leave for another school for some friends. Go for it. As for this 'school ranking' system, it is just stupid.

Over time, 'Hurlstone' (I'll use Hurlstone since most MFHS-ers are leaving for that place) has gained this reputation where it's 'better' than Macquarie Fields. Because of belief that society has accepted it is now common that most parents wish to their child(ren) to go to that school. For once, I'll admit it; my dad's right. It's up to you to do well. You either study or you fail. I sound sorta like a hypocrite, but this is serious.

I don't really mind people leaving, but the fact that they're leaving for a school that's proposedly 'better' is just stupid. And Miss Rizk said 'All the good students leave this school for Hurlstone and then Hurlstone gets the credit'. She's absolutely right and I couldn't agree any further. For some of us, we stay in Macquarie Fields for 1-2 years already. In that time, we've been taught by the teachers there and we make friends with the people there. All of a sudden, people take a test and make it in. By making it in, they use the knowledge that they've gotten from Macquarie Fields and take this with them to Hurlstone and then Hurlstone gets the credit just cos of society's acceptance in the past. Some of you may disagree with this and say that studying matters in years 10-12 (in which you'd be in Hurlstone instead) but would that really prove anything? What happened if you stayed back in Macquarie Fields. Mmm Stuck? Fuck you to anyone that leaves cos of those purposes.

Then again you could say that some school have better resources than others, but to point towards the people who left MFHS for Hurlstone, that's not much of a problem. There is no difference in the resources we provide compared to Hurlstone. What else? A swimming pool? Oh whatever. Enjoy yourselves :).
Cow shit? Enjoy yourselves.
Henry's shit? Now that's the way to do it xD. Enjoy yourselves. Thumbs up to this <

In year 7, I myself believed that 'Hurlstone' was better and now I sound like a hypocrite cos I didn't make it in. What I can say is, Hurlstone judges by test results and a stupid report that really didn't tap into me. But over the years, through knowing the teachers at Macquarie Fields and with what my dad told me;

'It's up to you. The teacher is only there to guide you through your school'.

Fuck you people going to Hurlstone.
Fuck you people in Hurlstone.
Fuck you people who went to Hurlstone from another school but this 'Fuck you' leans more to the nice side :) COS YOU PEOPLE LEFT US T_T.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The shitness of Engrish

'The shitness of Engrish'

I am making this post because;
1. I dislike English
2. I suck at it

We were walking back from our bushwalking and I heard Mr. Davies and some people talking about how English is pretty useless past year 10. Mr. Davies also said something like 'Without English, there won't be any jobs for the English teachers'. Agreed and agreed.

Without English, there would be less jobs for the citizens. I think that's the main important point.

Secondly though, why the hell is English made the most important subject. I can't really say anything should be made the most important. And there's this part of English that I really hate; the fact that 'famous' people point at a poem or a literacy artwork and say 'Oooh I like this, I shall post this, make it famous.....' well you get the point. I've never really understood how poems or most literacy works becomes famous.

Then there's the deciphering part of a literacy work. These famous people try to analyse a poem and start making up bullshit about it. In other words, one single poem has like 10,000+ meanings. It really depends on who it is that is deciphering it and then there's all these other factors that affect how this poem is deciphered. My English teacher says 'To understand what a poem means, we should try to get back into time where the author once lived and understand what is happening around them'. I totally agree with this, but that's the flaw there. We can't BE that person again so instead, we begin to decipher it and choose it to become famous and all these other bullshit.

And it's not just English that this applies in. It applies in everything that involves going back into the history of a person. You could say 'So close, yet so far'. We gather information on what the person's history and environment and we try to put these into a puzzle. And in the end we all agree on an incomplete puzzle, a puzzle that is missing one piece; and that missing piece is the piece of 'BEING THAT PERSON' (I can't find a better word). So here we are, believing what we want and we believe that we are close or even complete in knowing a person in history but in fact the most of it depends on 'BEING THAT PERSON'. I don't care if psychology comes into this; talking about the person's environment and experiences or even science coming in with all these facts. The fact that we aren't that person will always make us very far from the truth.

.... What is love?

.... What is love?


Sometimes I stare at midair and wonder what love is..

I think that has covered most of how love is defined, but honestly, I would only agree on the fact that love is different for everyone. For some of us, we go for the looks, some go for the brains and some go for a little bit of both. For me, it's more of the brain that's important but I'll be honest for those who read;

"I somewhat fall in love with a girl if I stare at her more and more each day". Lol. It's pretty crazy and I have been called many things cos I've said that. Doesn't seem like me eh?

*Which comes back to the point, why do I even bother blogging and posting these personal stuff? It's for people who care. Keep reading :).

Back to the topic. So, I've seen people love for sex too O.o and there some points in my life where I've heard that
'Sex is what bonds people together'. Somewhat this is true nowadays - things have 'changed'.

Lets look at different places in the world and see what love is like...
Back in Vietnam or some of those poor Asian countries, the poor would love cos they have to and the rich would love cos they want to. So really, this money system does in fact have some role in this (stupid money system..). My parents' marriage was kinda arranged, not that it was cultural or anything but they had to to support the family. And then we look at Africa and then most would have to get married at an even earlier age cos two heads are better than one :). And no, any more heads would turn things really bad. Over here in Australia we can love who we want and when we want, but as life progresses you either become poor, average or rich.

Things can get really different with love for everyone. Some say that the poor value love more yet, what if the poor continue to make it worse. Example?
Guy does drug, starts buying all these drugs.
Wife finds out
He promises that he'll stop
Yet he continues and they continue to drop

I think this case is quite rare though and it is quite certain for most that love is more valued by the poor. But then this word comes in; 'Survival'. Yes, I sometimes quesiton is it love or is it just the couple trying to survive in this retarded world? All these subjects that I talk about; they get so complicated and there are so many factors that affect these outcomes. But for the majority of us, I think that survival is our main goal in life. Yet we say, 'We survive to die in the end'. Oh the irony of life. So why do we still continue?

Now I sit here, wondering everything about life and continue to wonder '.... What is love?'

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hay de anh yeu em lan nua

'Hay de anh yeu em lan nua' - Let me love you once more

*Warning Vietnamese song*

First Version

Second Version

On the right side >>>

Some of you may think it's gay. Understand it and hope you change your mind :D.


Đã có những khi anh đã sai. - There are times when I am wrong
Nước mắt của em đang nhẹ rơi. - Tears begin to slowly fall from your eyes
Thấm ướt hết vai anh tại sao. - You lean on my shoulders and ask what's wrong
Có lẽ bởi anh đã làm em không vui. - It's cos of me that makes you sad (not-happy?)

Cũng vì anh đã không lắng nghe những khi em buồn. - Also it's because I don't listen to you when you're sad
Để em vội vàng bước đi lạnh lùng. - I let you walk of 'cold' (angry, didn't understand?)
Lần sau cuối xin em thứ tha mong em đừng khóc. - I will ask you to forgive me and hope you don't cry
Hãy cho tình yêu hiểu ra để rồi thêm 1 lần nữa yêu - Let our love be understood and give it another chance

Sẽ mãi luôn yêu em , luôn bên em quan tâm em mỗi ngày. - I will always love you, always beside you, secure you each day.
Vì anh kô mún mất e lần nữa hãy lắng nghe lòng anh - Because I don't want to lose you again, please listen to me
Bởi vì khi xa nhau, tim anh đau,nhớ đến em rất nhiều - Cos when we're apart, my heart aches, I think of you alot.
Từng ngày cố gắng vượt qua đêm lúc ấy anh nhận ra có lẽ đã muộn - Each day I try to pass the nights (I don't get the last few words)

I think second version's better <3

Thursday, August 26, 2010

If I was a bird

'If I was a bird'

'Hey Henry, if you could be an animal, what would it be?' Raymond asks.

Everytime the answer 'Bird' would pop up into my mind.

If I was a bird, I could fly so freely and stare down at this pitiful world. I'd be able to fly nearly where I want and when I want. I'll be free. Although my life span will be shortenend and my power in this world will be minimized, the freedom I receive from being a bird outweigh these.

I may be powerless, but at least I can laugh at the people.

So what really happens at times is I walk to the station and I notice a batch of trees. It looks quite peaceful, but before the trees, there is society; in society, I see many cars. I'm thankful enough though, to be able to see these trees change as so the seasons. But like I said, before these trees you see millions of cars go by. How can such small amount do enough work to save this world. Strangely, that small batch of trees could possibly represent the forests we have left in this world.

If I was a bird,

I would sit on a tree,
To look down on this world and see.
I would look and pity them all,
Sigh, this world is such a bore.
From day to day we'd work and work
Those humans are such jerks.
It's money most of them care,
They have a lot but non to spare.
They say help out the ones in poverty
We don't so they're unlucky.
But what can I do, I'd only be a bird
Looking down at this world that's absurd.

My current wish

'My Current Wish'

Current Wish:
The ability of teleportation to travel the world, staring at the natural wonders of other places and forgetting that a world exists before me.

Yes, it's true and quite... startling for some of your but this is really what I want to do. This world's crap and the natural wonders are like the only things thats left. Luckily there's protection for most of these sites.

Here are some pictures and I hope you understand why this is my wish;

*note all pictures are taken from real places

Обои на рабочий стол. Fall Colors

Yeah, the colour of Autumn. So beautiful. When I see this image, I feel myself walking in it for a second.

Обои на рабочий стол. Great Smoky Mountains

Holy shit there's a place with this many daisies? O.O.

Обои на рабочий стол. Fall Colors

Need I say more?

Enough picture spam for now.
Comments on CBOX please.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Changing me

'Changing me'

Over the past few years, as a little boy in Vietnam I've changed to this person in Australia. Like William Shakespeare, I have this thing against 'Time', but more importantly, I have a thing against 'Change'. Though, without 'Time', there wouldn't be 'Change'. Nevertheless, I continue to despise 'Change'. Over the last two years of my high school, I think 'Time' and 'Change' have worked their hardest to turn upon me. With this, I have created this Blogger.

'Change' is manipulative and throughout my life, I have seen multiple changes to my surroundings and more importantly, to the people I love(d). By changing the people I love(d), it is probably the reason why I hate it. Some of you may have already listened to my speech on 'Change' and the 'Overpopulation' Crisis, but that is on the 'Science' side of this blog.

So over the two years I have told myself that I'd be the same dirty rat I was back in year 7, but 'Change' and 'Time' has won this war. As I grow older, I think that my eyes opened wider and wider. As a kid, you could say that I was 'blind'. I didn't know or even care much about the world but as part of life and the ongoing 'Time', I begin to learn to see again and open my eyes.

Now, as a 15 year old, I have opened my eyes to the point where I question life. I do know one main purpose in my life right now though and it is to help my family. I wish to fulfill this purpose although my family members think really badly of me.
After being 'Changed' for some time, I finally see the humans in this world as something quite hideous.

Some of you may see that I don't seem as happy as I used to be in year 7. Well, 'Time' and 'Change' did this to me. 'I felt this strange feeling that I won't smile as much as I used to'. And I just discovered, it's true. I think I've come to a point where I'm ready to be a mature person in this life of mine. I'll try to resist cracking those 'jokes'.

At times last year, I would ask my older friends; 'How can I get rid of this dirty mind?'. I wanted to get rid of it so then some other people could show that they accept me. Deep down, you would say that they do but it's not what I only want. I want them to show me that they accept me. For the question, my friends would say 'In time Henry, but it just happens' or something like that; and I do believe that this year is my time.

And there was another time, when I asked about religion. And now [I don't want to offend anyone], I don't believe in religion. Simply - logic. As a child back in Vietnam, I remember the times when I would collect rocks - because of some belief I think - and I would keep them in this shed. At night, I would wish and hope that I would catch Buddha coming out of it. Quite whacky, but this used to be one of my childhood beliefs. As a 15 year old now, I question life, I question religion. Things are so complicated...

I finish this post by saying that I've lost the war against 'Time' and 'Change'. To remain as the old me causes pain but even to become a new person, it would still cause pain.

Curiosity Killed the Humans?

"Curiosity Killed the Humans?"

A few nights ago, I was talking to Yvonne about some of the related stuff on this blog. Whilst talking to her, I came up with this chain.

World > Humanity Evolution > Human Curiosity <> Human Greediness
Human Instincts To Survive

Result: Human downfall

First of all, to explain this chain; it starts off with the world, leading to human evolution. After the human evolution, Human Curiosity, Human Greediness and Human Instincts To Surive continue to revolve, one leading to another. Result, Human downfall. Well it's from my perspective anyways.. [interested?] read on.

I'll start off with the world, mainly to be speaking, the planets that humans have believed to be able to live in; which may also involve Mars.

World -
When I say the world world, I mean any environment that humans have a possibility of living on. I'll focus on Earth first. When Earth began to be inhabited by animals and such, it came down with the elements that are necessary for animal survival. For this, the chain first starts of with the World.

Human Evolution -
As time went by, mainly Natural Evolution and other forms of evolution comes in. For this, we believe that humans evolved from early apes. As time began to go by, the apes started to rely on their two legs to walk so no more crawling. After a while, it came us.

Human Curiosity, Human Greediness and Human Instincts to Survive -
As we evolve, we are given a brain that has given us more potential to survive in the world. This was part of the natural evolution. One mistake though, it made us too smart. With our instincts to survive, we began as the apes climbing on trees for berries and then the cavemen, inventing fire and tools out of stones. Eventually, we lead to more and more discoveries, all because of Curiosity and our Instincts to Survive. Our Instincts to Survive may have also led to some accidental discoveries. As time goes by, we become more and more curious of this world and so more discoveries. With this, we begin to mold this world of ours, killing the trees, killing the animals at high rates and much more. Along with this, there was the system of money. With the system of money, humans are 'curious' and continue to find new ways to earn money. Example; Drug dealing, for this the world created it. Through our curioisty of Science, we discover these bad drugs and over time our greediness take over so we can earn money to survive as a human instinct.

As time continues to go by, some of us continue to find new ways to earn a living; maybe bad, maybe good. And once we find it, some of us go overboard. I mean, once we find the 'way' to earn money, we do it excessively. With the drug dealing example, a person may choose to grow like a secret giant farm of them cos of money.

Eventually we get to our downfall because of all these curiosity and instincts to survive. We may dig and use to many resources for money or we may even create tiny black holes that can really screw us up :).

I can rant on and on about this stuff, but it gets confusing and tiring for some of you, but from what I have above, I do hope the youse understand.

And on that night when I was talking to Yvonne, I've come up with two quotes or whatever (with some alterations).
The first, being the title of this
and the second being 'I blame the world for creating humans. Humans are like pupils to a kung-fu teacher. After we learn, we backstab. In this case, humans have become too smart. But ultimately, I blame humans for making the decisions we have had today. Along with our brain, we continue to be curious and search for the answer.'.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Cinquain

My Traditional Cinquain

It hurts.
I can't forget;
The memories, the joy.
But now I begin to question -
What's love?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Society's 'wierdness'

Society's 'wierdness'

Society's 'wierdness'

So I've been thinking about this, our society and how weird it actually works. First kiss and virginity. In society, we've made these two words become a part of us, so vital to us that even it can kill us.

Virginity - the state of being a virgin, whereas being inexperienced with sexual intercourse.

First kiss - Well, the name says it all.

Lets start off with the 'First Kiss'.
Read this some time for some... tips...

First kiss, is, well, the first kiss you ever make by mouth to mouth. I find it rather weird talking or discussing it too. I've always wondered what it's like to kiss a girl in a moment, I feel as though time would really slow down when it does happen. My curiosity in the past years have made me ask some of my 17 year old friends.
I ask; How do you kiss O.O. And what's it like?
They would always answer the first part of it, not the second. Guess that part's up to me. As for the first question, they would always say that 'When time comes, you'll know what to do'.

When they say that, it always makes me think for a second there and I continue to say in my head 'How the fuck'.

So.. the first kiss is one to remember and I'm sitting here right now wondering what it's like to kiss a girl. I've hugged a girl many times, and it feels so... loving? So warm.. But Meh.

Now for the virginity. This thing's like one of the biggest 'part' of us and I don't even know who came up with it and why it even exists. Back then I think people would get to an age and then get it over and done with. I don't think they ever had the intention of thinking of their virginity so 'preciously'?

Here we are today though, as teenagers, some of us wondering what sex is, some of us having done it, and some of us who can't even wait to do it.

It's so weird that we let these words basically control us and again, we want to give it away to that special someone. We all have different views on it though, as to whether our virginity actually matters. For me and most of the people I know though, I think we do care about it. If we think about it now, this word that controls us, it's pretty word.

An example would perhaps be having a girlfriend who had sex with another guy. We would be broken because;
1. She lost her virginity to another man
2. Well, it's kinda clear that she had sex with another man so either way it's a lose for that person.

On the other hand, if I was to become a person's boyfriend that had lost their virginity already, it would be a complete turn off. But as life goes on, I think my views on this will change, not as in I don't care, but I think I'll need a partner in life. Thinking about this and already worrying about the future is so weird... but that's me :).

Enjoy this post, cos I may not have any other ideas for some time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The future of relatives

Shit, I went 55 minutes over the time I told Diana I would have a blog up LOL. My mistake and apologies to anyone who waited ><. Lets get started :D.

"The future of relatives"

So it's been a while that I've wondered who my ancestors were and great news..? I think I'm Chinese :D. To be honest, I don't look all that Vietnamese compared to all my friends and family back in Vietnam. But while thinking of this, what startled me most was the future of my relatives. If you hadn't known, most of my family live back in Vietnam and my parents, siblings and I are the only ones here in Australia.

The only thing that had kept me connected with the people back in Vietnam was my parents and my Grandparents. I then wondered what would happen if my parents were to pass away sometime in the very distant future. Right now, my Vietnamese isn't all that good and neither is my English. And then I had to consider that some of my uncles and aunties had moved into Hanoi and Saigon. What I'm really trying to say is, my family is spreading everywhere and it'll be a matter of time before I won't even visit Vietnam anymore. It's quite sad for me. I started living in Vietnam till 5-6 and then moved over here. Now as a 15 year old, I realize that things are slowly separating and soon I won't even care that my life once existed back in Vietnam.

Thinking of this made me remember the vacations back to Vietnam, fishing with my cousins and going around on the Motorbikes. It was fun.. so was leaving that fun really worth it... Leaving my family, leaving the village. It's only my sis, bro and I that are here now and I'm so curious as to whether I will forget Vietnam.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life Passing By


Whilst I was mopping the house.. I suddenly stopped and stood there for a moment and began to think of what had happened in my love life;

The stupid things I'd say, the stupid things I'd do - all for love, and in the end, I am the one heart broken.

I have had complaints from people because of who I am. My friends have accepted who I am, why can't those people? So now I wonder if I really give a fuck about these complaints. Accept me, and you're my friend and you will realize that I am more trustworthy than the way I seem to act.


I sat there at the Atheltics Carnival, talking to Frank about gaming and then I realized how repetitive our lives are.

As a child, I crawled around the neighbourhood, picking up and putting stuff in my mouth. And this was all that happened each day.

As a four year old, I would go to pre school, telling stories and dancing with the other kids. Then I'd go home and practice my handwriting each night and even as my friends called me out to play with them, I would still sit there and study. I have changed a lot, and I wish I was more like that.

As a six year old after movin ginto Australia, I would lie on the bed each day and play with my toys and turn into my very own imaginary world. There was no hand writing to practice. Already, I have changed.

As an eight year old I would sit there and play my Gameboy each day, stopping this imaginary world of me more and more as each day passes. I have changed.

As a ten year old, I would stick to the comp playing on children CD games and it was like this for a long time. I have changed.

As a twelve year old I would get into Internet but that didn't last long cos it got cut, but I got it again last year. Online games. I have changed.

Now I would sit here and play games with my friends and type into this blog.

Ten more years later or so, I would go to work or something.

And by that time, I would look back and say 'What waste of time I have done back then, I would have been better off helping parents or ready'.

Then if I ever do make it to my sixties+ I would look back again each day and stare at the life that has gone by so quickly. Once again, I would say what a waste of time, going to work every day, eat, sleep and then repeat.

Life and change is such a bitch, yet we all have to accept it.


Swimming carnival... yes that happened quite some time ago.. but as part of this post.. life does seem to go by so quickly..

I was sitting there under the shade with the guys.. listening to some songs.. And it just made me realize how time had gone so fast..

I still rememebered the time I was in year 7.. going to the swimming carnival.. messing around as usual.

This year was so different.. and it only made realize that 2 years had gone past.. There are new people in seniors and this had a massive impact on the way I acted this year..

It wasn't the same.. I didn't know any of the year 12s.. so I was left out D:

So now I'm in year 9.. and 2 years have gone by so quickly.. next year I'll be in year 10.. and the homework I get is already a pain in the ass.

So year 10.. there'll be new year 12s.. and then year 11 :O. Strangely that number seems so big!!! Once again, there'll be new year 12s.. AND THEN YEAR 12. OMFG We are the year 12 this time... 2 years went by so quickly.. and another 2 years is going to go by again..

And for the next couple a years... I think I'll be sitting under the same shade.. listening to the same songs.. thinking about the previous years that have gone by so quickly..

Time is so powerful and unstoppable.. it turns even the most beautiful to the ugliest..

There's a tree in front of my house (don't know what it's called)...

As I walked to and from Warwick Farm station, I see a much larger version of that tree in front of my house...

I stare at it each day for 10 seconds.. and it makes me think...

When I was 6, this tree was so small and there was no flowers..

Today, I stand in my front yard, staring at the same tree, only larger and now, it has flowers. It made me realize how fast time had went.. from the I was only 6, staring that tree, until now, a 14 year old, staring at the same tree... at the same spot..

And in 5 years time, I will be standing at that same spot.. staring at that same tree only it'll be much larger and more beautiful. And by then, I'll be much larger too, standing there staring..

And it seems.... all this happens in the blink of an eye..

If I should.. then I would die with the memories I have right now.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The time that passes..

A blog for Diana, and anyone else who is willing to read this.

For more blogs please put me into a depressed state :), and to me, depression makes me smile.

Lets start off by saying what term and week we are in at school. At the moment I am blogging this, it is week 6, Monday 8:30 p.m. WEEK 6, and I emphasise that. I've just been having talks with friends lately, and they all say that they couldn't believe that it's nearly half a year already...

It's nearly June (My Birthday ^^) and well... I have nothing better to say about it other than that.. Thinking of all these stuff always lead to another thing. Amazing huh? Here's what I started off with. Birthday and now some depressing points in which should not be revealed here. No presents this year and even if someone did offer, I don't think I will accept it. I'm turning 15, and if I looked back, I was saying to myself 'Can't wait till I'm 15+'. And here we are today, sitting by this computer nearly 15 and you know what? I regret it.. but you can't help it.

So as I said, Week 6 Monday. The other day my parents said that they'll be getting my Grandma over here from Vietnam, which once again makes me think of other memories. I could only remember that it was just last year that my Grandma came over here for 3 months. At that time I told myself 'Three months is a lot and that'll never pass'. Once again, here we are and it's already gone. It was.. so.. fast.. And then my parents mentioned how she was coming over for 6 months now. I told myself again that it will be like forever but then I realised what happened the last time I said that - time just flew by. So 6 months also led me into thinking that it'll be the end of the year and then I'll be in year 10. Year 10 led me into thinking that it was the year in which I met Andy.. and look at him.. he's in Uni now. Get the message I'm saying? It's been 2 years in this High School and it just went just like that.

When thinking of the two years, I remember when I was in year 7 and I miss that. I miss the old selves people still had. I miss the people who were still at this school. Two years and there are all these changes. But that is part of my secret life that some people MAY know ;). I regret the actions I've made in year 7. I regret going to this school, not that I cannot say that I love these people :L.

So you see.. my mind can get very confusing.. all these 'lead to this' and 'lead to that' it gets confusing, but if you do it, I think it'll make you smile.

I do this when I'm depressed and those good memories make me TRULY smile, which is something the crazy Henry you see cannot do. I truly smile at the memories I had, the old people who were in it, and I only wish to redo it and add a few changes to it to see what happens.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Little Reminder On How To Live A Good Life

If I had my life to live over,
I’d try to make more mistakes next time.
I would relax, I would limber up,
I would be crazier than I’ve
Been on this trip. I know very few things I’d
Take seriously any more.
I would take more chances,
I would take more trips, I would scale more
Mountains, I would swim more rivers,
And I would watch more sunsets. I would eat
More ice cream and fewer beans. I would have
More actual troubles and fewer imaginary
Ones. You see… I was one of those people who
Lived prophylactically and sensibly
And sanely, hour after hour and day after day.
Oh, I’ve had my moments
And if I had to do it all over again, I’d have
Many more of them.
In fact, I’d try not to have anything else, just
Moments, one after another, instead of living
So many years ahead of my day.
I’ve been one of those people who never went
Anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water
Bottle, a gargle, a raincoat, and a parachute.
If I had it to do all over again, I’d travel
Lighter, much lighter than I have.
I would start barefoot earlier in the spring,
And I’d stay that way later in the fall.
And I would ride more merry-go-rounds, and
Catch more gold rings, and greet more people,
And pick more flowers, and dance more often.
If I had it to do all over again.
But you see,
I don’t.


Found it on this site

Idea Drunk, which had originally been published in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. It’s from an 84 year old man who’s dying.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It was night, the Master woke up only to find his Disciple crying.

Master: What's the matter? Did you have a horrible dream?

Disciple: No.

Master: Was the dream you had sad?

Disciple: No Master, the dream I had was the most sweetest and most lovely dream I ever had..

Master: Then why are you crying?

Disciple: Because the dream I had will never come true...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

War or not.. What's the difference?

Yays.. Finally a post..?

World War I, World War II.. All these wars.. What's next? World War III of course.. but is there going to be one? That's not my point here.. But what's World War III going to bring out of this world? How's it going to make it better?

I've got to say it'll decrease the population (that seriously helps) but otherwise, what are the other benefits?

Let's really think about what I said..

If there was to be a World War III, a lot of people would be killed. One of the races should be wiped out (Asians etc..). Get the picture? That's not the main point here though. If there was a World War III, the world WILL NOT be the same..

We, as humans have created a flow which is being disrupted by the increasing population. I'm talking about jobs here. Sure, there would be more spots for jobs, but then after the war would happen, we would obviously be in a recovery state, where nothing will go as smoothly as usual.

Like I said before, a race would be wiped out. Think about it.. If Asia did get destroyed, where will we get our cheap imports? And recovering from destroyed areas would take hundreds of years.

Remember the European settlement in Australia? It's something like that, only people are much more lazy nowadays, so I can't really see how they are willing to put up that much effort into a destroyed area.

Overall, I would say World War III would really get people off their butts, and it'll reduce the population. Even so, I still believe that the world would find it rather hard to recover from this.

So having war is bad.. but what about peace? Is THAT good or bad..

As explained in my other posts, you could sum it up as BAD.

Look at the amount of people being born each day compared to the amount that dies each day.

The rate of birth is much larger than that of the rate of death.

And to reduce the death numbers, we are trying to make everything safer. Sure that sounds good.. Noone dies.. But has anyone really thought about the outcomes? Yes I know, I worry too much about the future, but look at it. Don't you think we've relaxed enough? They say the world is going to go through Global Warming. Did we care when it was 2002 or maybe sometime even later? I don't think so.

So War isn't good and neither is peace..

My final topic of this post are hippies..

I fancy them :) yet, now that I'm older, and with the way I think, I begin to dislike them more and more.

I have to credit them, for the fact that they are willing to use their time and prevent people from killing animals. But like I said before, we've relaxed too much. And by the time we realise there's something wrong, it's SORTA too late..

On the other hand, hippies have tried to the Government and other large groups of people from murdering people for stupid reasons. Yeah, that's good, but where has that really led us?

That's why I have mentioned about the world's population before.. It's just so large and I think I should stop here, before I rewrite one of my own posts..

I sum this post up as this;

War will do us no good..
Neither will peace...

People will die from war...
Yet people will still die from peace...

The world's gunna die by either of these actions...
But humans will do anything to survive

Yet strangely, this anything still leads to doom